Description :
Tenders for Bid To RAs Corrigendum : Supply Of Gym Fitness Equipment - Automotive Motion Trainer , Stationary Bike , Bicep Curl Machine , Tricep Extension Machine , Seated Dip Machine , Diverging Back Pull Down Machine , Rotary Torso Machine , Diverging Lat Rowing Machine , Converging Military Press Machine , Seated Leg Press Machine , Lateral Raise Machine , Prone Leg Curl Machine , Glute Extension Machine , Quadriceps Extension Machine , Seated Leg Curl Machine , Abdominal Crunch Machine , Multi Press Machine , Adductor Machine , Abductor Machine , Incline Lever Row Machine , Pec Obliqe Dec Machine , Olympic Flat Bench , Olympic Incline Bench , Olympic Decline Bench , Incline Leg Press Machine , Squat Machine , Standing Leg Curl Machine , Angled Leg Press Machine , Back Extension Machine , Multi Funcion Training Machine , Olympic Shoulder Press Bench , Power Rack Bid Number/ ( ( ) ): Gem/2024/b/5607498 Dated/* : 16-11-2024 Bid Document/ 2 1 / 30