Description :
Tenders for Corrigendum : Rate Contract For Supply Of Chamicals, Kit And Glassware Etc - Acetone (2.5 Ltr), Acetone (2.5 Ltr), Acetone (500ml), Acetone (500ml), Acetone (500ml), Acid Phosphate (6x6ml), Acid Phosphate (6x6ml), Acid Phosphate (6x6ml), Actime Kit For Aptt (6x5ml), Actin (muscle) (per Ml), Actin (muscle) (per Ml), Actin (muscle) (per Ml), Actin (smooth Muscle) (per Ml), Actin (smooth Muscle) (per Ml), Actin (smooth Muscle) (per Ml), Advantage Malaria Pan +pf (50 Test), Advantage Malaria Pan +pf (50 Test), Agar Agar Type-1 (grm666-500g), Alberts Metachromatic Stains K002-1kt, Albumin (4x60ml), Albumin (4x60ml), Albumin (4x60ml), Alcian Blue 100ml, Alcian Blue 100ml, Alcian Blue 100ml, Alcian Blue 8 Gx 5 Gm (5gm), Alcian Blue 8 Gx 5 Gm (5gm), Alk. Phosphate (6x6ml), Alk. Phosphate (6x6ml), Alk. Phosphate (6x6ml), Alkaline Peptone Water (m618-100g), Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate (500gm), Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate (500gm), Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate (5kg), Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate (5kg), Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous Sublimed (250gm), Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous Sublimed (250gm), Aluminium Hydroxide (250gm), Aluminium Hydroxide (250gm), Aluminium Potassium Sulfate (500gm), Aluminium Potassium Sulfate (500gm), Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate (500gm), Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate (500gm), Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Powder (500gm), Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Powder (500gm), Aluminium Sulfate (500gm), Aluminium Sulfate (500gm), Amacr (per Ml), Amacr (per Ml), Amacr (per Ml), Amikacin (ak) (sd035-1vl), Ammonia Solution (500ml), Ammonia Solution (500ml), Ammonium Ferric Sulfate (500gm), Ammonium Ferric Sulfate (500gm), Ammonium Hydroxide (100gm), Ammonium Hydroxide (100gm), Ammonium Iron Sulfate Dodecahydrate/ferric Alum (500gm), Ammonium Iron Sulfate Dodecahydrate/ferric Alum (500gm), Ammonium Molybdate (100gm), Ammonium Molybdate (100gm), Ammonium Molybdate (100gm), Ammonium Oxalate (500gm), Ammonium Oxalate (500gm), Ammonium Sulphate (500gm), Ammonium Sulphate (500gm), Ammonium Sulphate (500gm), Amoxyclav (amc) )sd063-1vl), Amphotericine B Ezy Mic Strip (ap) Em071, Ampicillin (amp) (sd002-1vl), Ampicillin/sulbactam (a/s) (sd112-1vl), Amylase (6x6ml), Amylase (6x6ml), Amylase (6x6ml), Aniline Blue (25gm), Aniline Blue (25gm) Water Soluble, Anti Ab (10ml), Anti D Igg (10ml), Anti Humanglobin (5ml), Aptt (lequicelin-e) (2ml), Aptt (lequicelin-e) (2ml), Aso Latex (35test), Aso Latex (50test), Aspirator With Gl 45 Cap And Outlet For Tubing (1000ml), Aspirator With Gl 45 Cap And Outlet For Tubing (250ml), Aspirator With Gl 45 Cap And Outlet For Tubing (500ml), Auramine 0 Stain, Auramine 0 Stain, Auto Clave Bags Biohazard Bags 14 19 (code- 550013, Auto Clave Bags Biohazard Bags 24 30 (c0de-550015), Auto Pipette Single Reaction Cuvette Src-10 For Pt (ecl105) 2x500, Auto Pipette Single Reaction Cuvette Src-10 For Pt (ecl105) 2x500, Azithromycin (azn) (sd204-1vl), Aztreonam (at) (sd212-1vl), Bacitracin (dd015-1vl), Barium Chloride (500ml), Barium Chloride (500ml), Barium Chloride (500ml), Bcl2 (per Ml), Bcl2 (per Ml), Bcl2 (per Ml), Bd Vacutainer Edta, Citrate (2ml) 1x1000ml, Bd Vacutainer Edta, Citrate (3ml) 1x1000ml, Bd Vacutainer Edta, Citrate (6 Ml) 1x1000ml, Bd Vacutainer Plasma Preparation Tube (05ml), Beaker (1000ml), Beaker (100ml), Beaker (2000ml), Beaker (250ml), Beaker (500ml), Beakers (1000ml), Beakers (100ml), Beakers (2000ml), Beakers (200ml), Beakers (500ml), Beakers, Griffin, Low Form With Spout (1000ml), Beakers, Griffin, Low Form With Spout (100ml), Beakers, Griffin, Low Form With Spout (10ml), Beakers, Griffin, Low Form With Spout (25ml), Beakers, Griffin, Low Form With Spout (500ml), Beakers, Griffin, Low Form With Spout (50ml), Beakers, Griffin, Low Form With Spout (5ml), Benedicts Reagent (qualitative) (500ml), Benedicts Reagent (qualitative) (500ml), Benedicts Reagent (qualitative) (500ml), Benedicts Reagent (qualitative) (500ml), Bhi Broth (m210-100g), Biebrich Scarlet (10gm), Biebrich Scar