Description :
Tenders for Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Calcium Carbonate , Distillation Assembly , Heating Mantle , Rod For Retort Base , Universal Clamp , 4 Amino Antipyrine , Acetone , Ammonia Solution , Ammonium Chloride , Calcon Indicator , Chloroform , Dodeclbenzene , Ferrous Sulphate , Glucose , Glutamic Acid , Glycerol , Hydrochloric Acid 500 Ml , Mercuric Sulphate , Methylene Blue , Phenol , Potassium Di Hydrogen , Potassium Di Chromate , Potassium Ferro Cyanide , Silver Nitrate , Silver Sulphate , Sodium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate , Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate , Sodium Meta Silicate Nona Hydrate , Sodium Phosphate , Sulphuric Acid 2 Point 5 , Sulphuric Acid 500 Ml , Gfc 125mm , Gfc 47mm , Buffer Solution Of Ph 10 , Cyanide Standard Crm Solution , Bulb Pipette 1ml , Bulb Pipette 2 Ml , Bulb Pipette 20 Ml , Glass Beads 0 Point 5mm , Graduated Pipette 10 Ml , Graduated Pipette 5 Ml , Nessler Tube 50 Ml , Weighing Bottle Amber 40 Ml , Face Mask Disposable With Elastic , Lab Coat Large Size , Lab Coat Medium Size , Lab Coat Xl Size , Steriswift