Description :
Tenders for Providing Of Design Installation And Maintenance Of Educational Lab - Bar Magnet - Alnico, Center Of Mass Balancing Strip, Connecting Tube For Syringe, Emery Paper Fine, Iron Cylinder With Hook, Measuring Jar, Measuring Tape, Ping Pong Ball, Pvc Tube, Rubber Cork With Glass Tube, Sand Paper, Slotted Weights With Hook, Steel Bob With Hook, Steel Ruler, Syringe, Thread Reel, Two Holed Cork, Tray, Box, Mechanics Kit-2, Beaker, Measuring Jar, Over Flow Jar, Sand Clock, Trolley With Spring., Yoyo, Tray, Box, Mechanics Kit-3, Alpins, Aluminium Foil, Beaker, Electroscope, Glass Ball, Iron Base, Iron Rod, Plastic Funnel, Single Pulley With Holder, Stop Clock, Thermocol Balls, Petri Dish Pair, Rubber Bande, Rubber Cork, Slinky, Stainless Steel Strip, Tuning Fork 256 Hz, Tuning Fork 512hz, Wooden Block, Tray, Box, Heat Kit-1, Alpins, Beaker, Calorimeter, Candle, Digital Thermometer (clinical), Iron Rod, Lab Thermometer - Alcohol, Measuring Jar, Polystyrene Cups, Rods Holder, Spirit Lamp, Tripod, Two Way Clamp, Watch Glass, Wire Guage, Tray, Box, Heat Kit-2, Aluminum Rod With Slots., Aluminum Turnings, Bimetallic Strip, Boiling Tube With One Holed Cork, Copper Turnings, Iron Base, Iron Rod With Slots, Concave Lens, Concave Mirror, Convex Lens Glass (11), Convex Lens - Glass (12), Convex Lens, Convex Lens, Convex Mirror, Eva Sheet, Full Protractor With Two Spokes, Glass Slabs, Half Protractor, Laser Light, Lens Holders, Mirror With Holder., Mirrors Strips, Plastic Discs With Holes, Plastic Scale, Plastic Tube To Hold Mirrors, Prism, Prism, Rays Slit, Screen-white, Plastic, Semi Circular Slab, Slab, Stainless Steel Strip, Sun Dial, Thumb Pins, Tray, Box, Electricity & Magnetism Kit-1, 4 Aa Cells Holder With Connector, Aa Cell Holder, Aluminum Foil, Bar Magnets Pair, Circuit Board, Copper Sulphate In Vial, Cylindrical Magnet Pair, Disc Magnet, Electro Scope, Emery Paper, Enameled Copper Wire, Filter Paper, Glass Rod, Horse Shoe Magnet, Iron Nail-big