Description :
Tenders for Dental Items Supply As Per Bid At Hospital - Diamond Burs Trj Ie La Cr Air-rotor, D Iamond Burs -round, Diamond Burs - Straijdlt Fissure, S8 Files For Catheterization/path Finders (21, Mm- Assorted 06,08,10,& Is Nos-6 In Each Pkt 't, Ss Files For Catheterization/path Find Ers (25, Mm- Assorted 06,08, I 0 & Is N05-6 In Each Pkl ), Ss K-files( Assorted 15.20,25,30,35,40 Ctlch-6, Pes In Each Pkt)-21 Mm, S5 K-files( Assoned 15,20,25,30,35,40 Cach-6, Pes In Each Pkl)-2s Mm, Pulp Devi Talizing With Para Formaldehyde- 3 Gms, 3% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution For Endodontic, Irrigalionsoo M!, Gutta Pareha Points Iso 20-200 Pes In Each Pkl ! (color Coded-completel, Gutta Parcha Points I ~)o 25-120 Pes In Each Pkt, (color Coded-complete, Gutta Parcha Poi Nts Iso 30-120 Pes In Each Pkt, (color Coded-comoletel, Gutta Percha Points Iso 35 -120 Pes In Each Pkt, (color Coded-complet~)-, 10% Xylocaine Spray In Pressurized Container -, 25omi., Glass Lonomer Cement With Liquid For Filling, Self Cure Approx 10 J/,ms+ 8ml, Cotton Rolls Small Sil'..e 1000 Rolls In A Pkt., Collon Rolls Medium Sizc - 1000 Rolls In A, Dkt., Cotton Rolls Lar C Size 1000 Rolls In A Kt., Gas Refill In Rcssurized Containe A .500ml, Hydraulic Temporary Restorati Vc Cement -40, Gms L Ready To Use}, R.c Irrigation Needles With Side Vents 28 Gauge, Each Pkt Containinj/, 10 Needs, Mirror Tops (rust Prool) (should Fit In Old-, Ilandles) 100 Pes, Tweezers, Dental Probe, Root Canal Sealer Ccment Liquid, ( Endoseal Liquid) With Powder-40grn., Calcium I-iydroxidc Paste, Slrai Ht Elevator, Crier Ele\ator, Pcriosteal Elevator, Warwick Jiuil, Elevator Strairht