Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Table With Marble Or Stainless Steel Top , Drill Machine , Hand Saw, Preferable Metal , Band Saw , Stools,preferable Metal , Brain Knife , Mortuary Cooler With Arrangement To Keep At Least 8 Body Or Suitable Alternative Arrangement , Storage Tank To Hold 10 Cadavers , Plastic Tank , Trolley Table , Camera With Screen , X-ray View Box , Charts , Diagrams , Anatomy Models , Embryology Models , Teaching Mannequin , Slides , Dissection Instruments , Meat Cutting Machine , Steel Tray , Embalming Machine , Computer , Printer , Laptop , Microscope Binocular , Student Microscope , Dissection Microscope , Microtome, Rotary , Microtome, Sledge Large Cutting , Cabinet For Slides , Incubator , Paraffin Embedding Bath , Hot Plate For Flattening Sections , Hot Air Oven , Refrigerator , Diamond Pencil , Articulated Skeleton Set , Disarticulated Bone Set , Weight Specimen Jar , Steel Rack , Desktop Computer , Microscope Oil Immersion , Demonstration Eye Piece , Double Demonstration Eye Piece , Stage Incubator , Westgreens Pipette , Wintrobes Pipette , Haemoglobin Meter , Haemocytometer , Thermometers , Multi-channel Physiograph , Centrifuge , Chlorometer,photoelectric , Ph Meter Electric , Digital Physiograph , Digital Perimeter , Sphygmometer , Stethoscope , Polygraphs , Spyrometer Ordinery , Digital Spirometer , Mosses Ergo Graph , Clinical Thermometer , Compass Aesth , Thermometer , Algometer , Knee Hammer , Stethograph , Bicycle Ergometer , Ophthalmoscope , Schematic Eye , Colour Perception Lantern Edridge Green , Dynamometer , Otoscope , Stop Watch , Ecg Machine , Yoga Mat , Tuning Fork To Test Hearing 32 , Van Slyke Apparatus Manomatric , Veins Pressure Apparatus , Douglas Bag , Basal Metabolism Apparatus , Apparatus For Passive Movement , Phacoscope , Parameter With Charts Listers , Madox Rod , Newton Colour Wheel , Student Physiograph , Gas Analyser Automatic , Sherrington Starling Kymograph , Electromagnetic Time Marker , Myograph Stand , Electric Stimulator , Tuning Fork Time Marker , Electrodes , Spirit Lamps , Mayers Tambour , Softwares , Low Holtage Unit , Water Distillation , All Glass Distillation Apparatus , Voltage Stabilizer , Stepdown Transformer , Analytical Balance , Unimometer Calibrated , Digital Colorimeter , Glucometer With Strip , Semi Auto Analyser , Boiling Water Bath , Water Bath , Centrifuge Clinical , Ph Meters , Fixed Volume Pipette , Bottle Dispenser , Variable And Fix Volume Micro Auto Pipettes , Vacutainer Tubes , Pcr Machine , Abg Machine , Auto Analyser , Total Chromatographic Unit , Complete Electrophoresis Apparatus , Densitometer With Computer , Vortex Mixer , Incubator 37 C , Fume Cupboard , Digital Analytical Balance , Balance Micro , Spectrophotometer , Elisa Reader And Washer , Urine Strip For Glucose And Protein , Ise Analyser , Photo Copier Machine , Interactive Panels With Cpu (q2) , Multimedia Projector (mmp) (q2) , Entry And Mid Level Desktop Computer (q2)