Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Sinoscope Set , Visual Endoscopy System , Fess Instruments Setup , Blaksleys Forceps , Backbiting Forceps For Maxillary Osteomy With Rotation In All Direction , Giraffe Forceps Side And Forward Sickel Knife , Sickel Knife , Maxillary And Straight Suction Cannula , 5 Mm Trocar Cannula For Maxillary Sinus , Sinusbiopsy Forceps , Nasal Suction Cannula With Cautery , Straight And Upturn Carrison Bone Punch , Masal Endoscopic Scissor , Tracheostomy Tubes Cuffed , Rhinoplasty Set , Tongue Depressors , Killians Nasal Speculum , Mosquito Artery Forceps Straight And Curved , Nasal Scissors , Adsons Toothed And Non Toothed , Thudicum Speculum , Butterfly Forceps , Lacrimal Dilator , Adsons Plain Forceps , Tilley Aural Forceps , Hartman Ear Speculum Black Finish , Scissors Curved And Straight , Merocele And Absorbable Gel , Nasal Splint , Micro Flexible Optical Endoscope , Ent Endotrolly , Bone Vibrator , Frequency Generater Tympanometer