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Tender for Corrigendum : Rate Contract For Consumable/non-consumables Items For Microbiology Department, Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi-110093 - Dehydrated Media, Macconkey Agarw/o Cv, Nacl W/ 0 .5% Sodium Taurocholate(500g/box), Brain-heart Infusion Base(500g/box), Blood Agar Base(500g/box), Muller Hinton Agar Base, Cation Adjusted(500g/box), Colistin Sulfate Salt(1 Gram), Potassium Dichromate(1 Kg), Peptone Powder(500 Gram), Sulphuric Acid(5 Ltr), Cled (cystein Lactose Electrolyte Deficient)with Bromothymol Blue Indicator(500g/box), Peptone (bacteriological) Water(500g/box), Chromogenic Candida Agar(500g/box), Sabouraud Dextrose Agar( Sda)with Chloramphenicol And Cycloheximide Antibiotics(500g/box), Sabouraud Dextrose Agar( Sda)without Antibiotics(500g/box), Macconkey Broth Purple With Bromocresol Purple(500g/box), Macconkey Broth Purple (double Strength) W/ Bromocresol Purple(500g/box), Nutrient Broth(500g/box), Chrom Candida Differential Agar(100 Gm), Mueller Hinton Broth With 2 Control Cations(100 Gm), Triple Sugar Iron Agar(500gm), Simmon S Citrate Agar(500gm), Lab Consumables, Whatmann Filter Paper No.1, Nichrome Loop Holderloop Holder Made Of Stainless Steel Rod With Heat Resistant Handle, Double Wound Nichrome Loopcalibrated To 1 L, Double Wound Nichrome Loopcalibrated To 0.01 Ml, Double Wound Nichrome Straight Wire For Inoculation, Glassware, Frosted End Glass Slide1. 75mm 25mm 1 Mm2. Thickness 1.25 0.1mm(1 Box=50 Slides), Glass Slide1. 75mm 25mm 2. Thickness 1.25 0.1mm(1 Packet Of 10 Grams), Cover Slip1. 22mmx22mm2. Thickness: 0.13mm To 0.16mm(1 Packet Of 10 Grams), Test Tubes(borosilicate Glass) Without Rim 20mm 150mm, Test Tubes(borosilicate Glass) Without Rim 12mm 75mm, Conical Flaskgood Quality, Flat Bottom(500 Ml), Conical Flaskgood Quality, Flat Bottom (1000ml), Glass Measuring Cylinder(100ml Capacity), Good Quality Petri Dishplastic, Disposable, Sterile 90 15mm Individual Packed, Glass Beaker(500 Ml Capacity), Glass Beaker(250 Ml Capacity), Glass Measuring Cylinder(250ml Capacity), Glass Measuring Cylinder(500ml Capacity), Reagent, Carbol Fuchsin (ziehl-neelsen)(125ml), 20% H2so4,(500 Ml), Conc. H2so4(500 Ml), Acetone(500 Ml), Crystol Violet(25 Gram), Immersion Oil For Microscopy(125 Ml), Potassium Hydroxide Pellets(500g/box), Oxidase Discs(50 Discs), Stained Salmonella Antigen (to, Th, Ah, Bh) With Positive And Negative Controls For Slide Agglutination Test, Lugol S Iodine(500 Ml), Kovac S Indole Reagent(100 Ml), Swab, Sterile Cotton Swab With Wooden Stick1. Size 150 X12mm Diameter.2. Individually Packed. , Sterile Cotton Swabs In Hdpe Tube1. Cotton Bud With Polypropylene Stick2. Size:150x12mm Diameter Tubes3. Individually Packed, Sterile Swabs1. Viscose Bud With Wooden Stick2. Size 150 X2.5mm3. Individually Packed ( Gamma Sterilized), Plasticware, Sterile Disposable Loop1. Sterile Disposable Inoculating Loops (4.4 Mm Diameter Calibrated To 0.01ml)2. Individually Packed, Micropipette Tips 2-20 L, Micropipette Tips 20 -200 L, Micropipette Tips 200-2000 L, Elisa Plate(50 Plates), Centrifuge Tubes(plastic, 15 Ml Capacity, Screw Caped, Graduated), Microcentrifuge Tubeshould Be 1.5ml, Sterile, Polypropylene Tube With Screw Cap.(1.5ml), Aerosol Barrier Tips 2-20 Lpolypropylene, Gamma Irradiated Sterile And Certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free, Aerosol Resistant Tips Having A Hydrophobic, Self-sealing Barriers., Aerosol Barrier Tips 20-200 Lpolypropylene, Gamma Irradiated Sterile And Certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free, Aerosol Resistant Tips Having A Hydrophobic, Self-sealing Barriers., Aerosol Barrier Tips 100-1000 Lpolypropylene, Gamma Irradiated Sterile And Certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free, Aerosol Resistant Tips Having A Hydrophobic, Self-sealing Barriers., Cryovialssterile Self Standing Tight Screw Cap Closures To Prevent Liquid Leakage ,certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free(2ml), Antisera, Salmonella Polyvalen in Delhi - Delhi

Tender Details
Reference # :
Description :
Tenders for Corrigendum : Rate Contract For Consumable/non-consumables Items For Microbiology Department, Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi-110093 - Dehydrated Media, Macconkey Agarw/o Cv, Nacl W/ 0 .5% Sodium Taurocholate(500g/box), Brain-heart Infusion Base(500g/box), Blood Agar Base(500g/box), Muller Hinton Agar Base, Cation Adjusted(500g/box), Colistin Sulfate Salt(1 Gram), Potassium Dichromate(1 Kg), Peptone Powder(500 Gram), Sulphuric Acid(5 Ltr), Cled (cystein Lactose Electrolyte Deficient)with Bromothymol Blue Indicator(500g/box), Peptone (bacteriological) Water(500g/box), Chromogenic Candida Agar(500g/box), Sabouraud Dextrose Agar( Sda)with Chloramphenicol And Cycloheximide Antibiotics(500g/box), Sabouraud Dextrose Agar( Sda)without Antibiotics(500g/box), Macconkey Broth Purple With Bromocresol Purple(500g/box), Macconkey Broth Purple (double Strength) W/ Bromocresol Purple(500g/box), Nutrient Broth(500g/box), Chrom Candida Differential Agar(100 Gm), Mueller Hinton Broth With 2 Control Cations(100 Gm), Triple Sugar Iron Agar(500gm), Simmon S Citrate Agar(500gm), Lab Consumables, Whatmann Filter Paper No.1, Nichrome Loop Holderloop Holder Made Of Stainless Steel Rod With Heat Resistant Handle, Double Wound Nichrome Loopcalibrated To 1 L, Double Wound Nichrome Loopcalibrated To 0.01 Ml, Double Wound Nichrome Straight Wire For Inoculation, Glassware, Frosted End Glass Slide1. 75mm 25mm 1 Mm2. Thickness 1.25 0.1mm(1 Box=50 Slides), Glass Slide1. 75mm 25mm 2. Thickness 1.25 0.1mm(1 Packet Of 10 Grams), Cover Slip1. 22mmx22mm2. Thickness: 0.13mm To 0.16mm(1 Packet Of 10 Grams), Test Tubes(borosilicate Glass) Without Rim 20mm 150mm, Test Tubes(borosilicate Glass) Without Rim 12mm 75mm, Conical Flaskgood Quality, Flat Bottom(500 Ml), Conical Flaskgood Quality, Flat Bottom (1000ml), Glass Measuring Cylinder(100ml Capacity), Good Quality Petri Dishplastic, Disposable, Sterile 90 15mm Individual Packed, Glass Beaker(500 Ml Capacity), Glass Beaker(250 Ml Capacity), Glass Measuring Cylinder(250ml Capacity), Glass Measuring Cylinder(500ml Capacity), Reagent, Carbol Fuchsin (ziehl-neelsen)(125ml), 20% H2so4,(500 Ml), Conc. H2so4(500 Ml), Acetone(500 Ml), Crystol Violet(25 Gram), Immersion Oil For Microscopy(125 Ml), Potassium Hydroxide Pellets(500g/box), Oxidase Discs(50 Discs), Stained Salmonella Antigen (to, Th, Ah, Bh) With Positive And Negative Controls For Slide Agglutination Test, Lugol S Iodine(500 Ml), Kovac S Indole Reagent(100 Ml), Swab, Sterile Cotton Swab With Wooden Stick1. Size 150 X12mm Diameter.2. Individually Packed. , Sterile Cotton Swabs In Hdpe Tube1. Cotton Bud With Polypropylene Stick2. Size:150x12mm Diameter Tubes3. Individually Packed, Sterile Swabs1. Viscose Bud With Wooden Stick2. Size 150 X2.5mm3. Individually Packed ( Gamma Sterilized), Plasticware, Sterile Disposable Loop1. Sterile Disposable Inoculating Loops (4.4 Mm Diameter Calibrated To 0.01ml)2. Individually Packed, Micropipette Tips 2-20 L, Micropipette Tips 20 -200 L, Micropipette Tips 200-2000 L, Elisa Plate(50 Plates), Centrifuge Tubes(plastic, 15 Ml Capacity, Screw Caped, Graduated), Microcentrifuge Tubeshould Be 1.5ml, Sterile, Polypropylene Tube With Screw Cap.(1.5ml), Aerosol Barrier Tips 2-20 Lpolypropylene, Gamma Irradiated Sterile And Certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free, Aerosol Resistant Tips Having A Hydrophobic, Self-sealing Barriers., Aerosol Barrier Tips 20-200 Lpolypropylene, Gamma Irradiated Sterile And Certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free, Aerosol Resistant Tips Having A Hydrophobic, Self-sealing Barriers., Aerosol Barrier Tips 100-1000 Lpolypropylene, Gamma Irradiated Sterile And Certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free, Aerosol Resistant Tips Having A Hydrophobic, Self-sealing Barriers., Cryovialssterile Self Standing Tight Screw Cap Closures To Prevent Liquid Leakage ,certified Rnase/dnase Free, Human Dna Free And Pyrogen Free(2ml), Antisera, Salmonella Polyvalen
Ownership :
Sector :
Tender Values
Value :
Doc. Cost :
Important Dates
Due date :
17 Mar, 2025
Open date :
18 Mar, 2025
Publish date :
17 Feb, 2025
Location :
Delhi - Delhi ( IN )
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