Description :
Tenders for Corrigendum : Annual Rate Contract For Supply Of Medicines And Surgical Items Or First Aid Items. - All Branded Medicine, Generic Medicines For Tablets, Capsules, Syrups & Ointments, E/e Drops, Cotton Wool, Cotton Bandages & Roller Bandages, Adhesive Plasters (paper & Cloth), Surgical Spirit 450 Ml, Hydrogen Peroxide 400 Ml & 100 Ml, Betadine Solution 500 Ml, Dispovan Syringes 2cc,5cc&10cc (bd), Iv Cannual 22g, 24g, 20g & Scalp Vein Sets- 22ng, Dispovan Syringes 1cc (insulin), Dispovan Needles 21 & 24, Novafine Needles & Catguts, Band Aids (j&j), I V Set (ramson), Disposable Gloves Size 7 & 8 (pioneer)