Description :
Tenders for Bid To RAs Tender For Supply Of Commercial Treadmill - Commercial Treadmill 4 Hp , Cross Trainer , Spin Bike , Vinyle Dumbbell 1 Kg , Vinyle Dumbbell 2 Kg , Vinyle Dumbbell 3 Kg , Vinyle Dumbbell 4 Kg , Vinyle Dumbbell 5 Kg , Hexa Dumbbell 5 Kg , Hexa Dumbbell 7 Point 5 Kg , Hexa Dumbbell 10 Kg , Hexa Dumbbell 15 Kg , Hexa Dumbbell 25 Kg , Weight Plates 50mm 2 Point 5 Kg , Weight Plates 50mm 5 Kg , Weight Plates 50mm 7 Point 5 Kg , Weight Plates 50mm 10 Kg , Weight Plates 50mm 15 Kg , Olympic Barbell 7 Ft , Olympic Barbell 5 Ft , Kettle Bell 2 Point 5 Kg , Kettle Bell 5 Kg , Kettle Bell 7 Point 5 Kg , Kettle Bell 10 Kg , Rubber Mat Approx 450 Sqft , Yoga And Exercise Mat 10 Mm , Gym Balancing Ball , Trx Band , Resistance Tube Set , Theraband Set All Levels , Stool Set With Different Level , Mirror 10 X 6 , Mirror 3 X 6 , Mirror 2 X 3 , Medicine Ball 2 Kg , Medicine Ball 4 Kg , Medicine Ball 5 Kg , Medicine Ball 6 Kg , Medicine Ball 8 Kg , Medicine Ball 10 Kg , Battle Rope , Dumbbell And Weight Plate Rack , Parallel Bar Customized , Stabilizer , Quadracep Bench Machine , Multi Purpose Bench , Calf And Hamstring Machine , Leg Press Seated , Hamstring Seated , Bench Press , Multi Functional Trainer , Deep Chin And Parallel Bar And Pull Up Bar , Yoga Mat 15mm , Gym Belt , Abdominal And Core Workout Bench , Smith Machine , Multi Station Gym Four Station , Leg Press 45 Degree , Theraband Rehab Station , Shoulder Rehab Machine