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Tender for Purchase Of Patent Drugs - Inj Dns (marck), Inj Woctrose 25%, Inj Ns(marck), Inj Rl(marck), Inj D5(marck), Inj Intalyte, Inj Metrogyl, Inj Mannitol, Inj Mifex, Inj Amoxirum Forte, Inj Moxel Forte, Inj Intacef Tazo, Inj Ac-vet Max D, Inj M Ceft., Injdicrysticine-s, Injdicrysticine-s, Inj Triquin, Inj Taxim, Inj Taxim, Inj Gentamycin, Inj Ketop, Inj Terramycin(zydus), Inj Fortivir (virbac), Inj Anistamine, Inj Avilin Vet, Inj Melonex, Inj Melonex Plus, Inj Melonex Xp, Inj Vetalgin, Inj Megludyine, Inj Remote Vet, Inj Spasmovet, Inj Tribivet, Inj Belamyl, Inj Neuroxim M, Inj Tonophosphan, Inj Intacal Im, Inj Conciplex, Inj Moral, Inj Biotrim I/m, Inj Biotrim I/v, Inj. Vetade, Inj Intavita-h, Inj Sancal Vet, Inj Prednisolone(msd), Inj Dexona, Inj Vetalog, Inj Isoflud, Inj Hyprogen (duroprogen), Inj Epidosin, Inj Receptal, Inj Methargin, Inj Pitocin, Inj Lutalyse, Inj Siquil, Inj Propofol, Inj Ketamine, Inj Dizepam, Inj Xylaxin, Inj Morcain, Inj Butalex, Inj Marbodac/marbomate, Inj Anthiomaline, Inj Berenil Rtu, Inj Mbloc, Inj Zakshot, Inj Botropase, Inj Dectomax, Inj Neomec, Inj Tribivet M, Inj Pantop, Inj Vitamin -c, Inj. Rantac, Inj Emset, Inj Neurokind, Inj Soda Bicarb, Inj Atropine Sulphate, Inj Adrenaline, Inj Distill Water, Inj. Canigen Nine In One, Inj Arv, Inj Anti Sanke Venom, Inj Tetanus Toxoid, Liq. Vimeral, Liq. Livoferrol, Liq. Utrovet, Liq. Intacal Pet, Liq. Multistar, Liq. Liv 52, Liq. Liv 52, Liq. Nutricoat Advance, Liq. Enrocine, Liq Ostovet Forte, Liq. Butox, Liq. Ridd 12.5%, Liq Tri Out, Liq.tyrel, Liq. Griptol- N, Liq. Albomar, Liq. Groviplex, Liq Concive, Liq. Zymopet, Liq. Sharkoferol, Liq Chelated Calcizol, Oint. Wisprec, Oint.acriline, Oint.himax, Oint. Candid B, Oint. Obcodex, Oint Kiskin, Oint. Mastirak, Bls Serri-d Forte, Bls Ferritas, Bls Cflox-tz, Bls Galactine, Bls Milkoplex, Bls Proctive, Bls Metricure I/u, Bls Melonex Plus, Bls Bovirum, Bls Ecotas, Bls Allclear / Panacure, Bls Tetra, Bls Oriprim U Bolus, Tab. Praziplus, Tab.o2 Tab., Tab. Docmycin, Tab. Eazypet, Tab Utrovet, Tab Pet Joint, Tab. Lixen Pet 300 Mg, Pwd. Neblon, Pwd Caflon, Pwd. Timpol, Pwd. Tikkil, Pwd. Lixen, Pwd. Rumen-fs, Pwd. Tetracycline, Pwd. Notix, Pwd Al Vitte-m, Pwd. Chelated Agrimin Forte, Pwd. Mammidium, Pwd. Negasunt, Pwd. Ors, Pwd. Amprolium 20%, I/ Mam Pendistrine Sh, I/ Mammary Mamal Az, I/ Mammary Mammitel, I/ Mammary Uddercef, I/ U Lexin, I/ U Enrogil 10 %, Shampoo Petben, Shampoo Softplus, Eardrop Pomisol, Eardrop Atropin Sulphate, Eyedrop Tobramycin, Spray Loraxane, Spray Pop In, Spray D Mag, Poron Fluethrin 1% Solu, Spray. Fixotic, Spray.charmil, Spray Povid Fr, Spray Wisprec, Spray Healant, Suspension Melonax in Silvassa - Dadra And Nagar Haveli

Tender Details
Reference # :
Description :
Tenders for Purchase Of Patent Drugs - Inj Dns (marck), Inj Woctrose 25%, Inj Ns(marck), Inj Rl(marck), Inj D5(marck), Inj Intalyte, Inj Metrogyl, Inj Mannitol, Inj Mifex, Inj Amoxirum Forte, Inj Moxel Forte, Inj Intacef Tazo, Inj Ac-vet Max D, Inj M Ceft., Injdicrysticine-s, Injdicrysticine-s, Inj Triquin, Inj Taxim, Inj Taxim, Inj Gentamycin, Inj Ketop, Inj Terramycin(zydus), Inj Fortivir (virbac), Inj Anistamine, Inj Avilin Vet, Inj Melonex, Inj Melonex Plus, Inj Melonex Xp, Inj Vetalgin, Inj Megludyine, Inj Remote Vet, Inj Spasmovet, Inj Tribivet, Inj Belamyl, Inj Neuroxim M, Inj Tonophosphan, Inj Intacal Im, Inj Conciplex, Inj Moral, Inj Biotrim I/m, Inj Biotrim I/v, Inj. Vetade, Inj Intavita-h, Inj Sancal Vet, Inj Prednisolone(msd), Inj Dexona, Inj Vetalog, Inj Isoflud, Inj Hyprogen (duroprogen), Inj Epidosin, Inj Receptal, Inj Methargin, Inj Pitocin, Inj Lutalyse, Inj Siquil, Inj Propofol, Inj Ketamine, Inj Dizepam, Inj Xylaxin, Inj Morcain, Inj Butalex, Inj Marbodac/marbomate, Inj Anthiomaline, Inj Berenil Rtu, Inj Mbloc, Inj Zakshot, Inj Botropase, Inj Dectomax, Inj Neomec, Inj Tribivet M, Inj Pantop, Inj Vitamin -c, Inj. Rantac, Inj Emset, Inj Neurokind, Inj Soda Bicarb, Inj Atropine Sulphate, Inj Adrenaline, Inj Distill Water, Inj. Canigen Nine In One, Inj Arv, Inj Anti Sanke Venom, Inj Tetanus Toxoid, Liq. Vimeral, Liq. Livoferrol, Liq. Utrovet, Liq. Intacal Pet, Liq. Multistar, Liq. Liv 52, Liq. Liv 52, Liq. Nutricoat Advance, Liq. Enrocine, Liq Ostovet Forte, Liq. Butox, Liq. Ridd 12.5%, Liq Tri Out, Liq.tyrel, Liq. Griptol- N, Liq. Albomar, Liq. Groviplex, Liq Concive, Liq. Zymopet, Liq. Sharkoferol, Liq Chelated Calcizol, Oint. Wisprec, Oint.acriline, Oint.himax, Oint. Candid B, Oint. Obcodex, Oint Kiskin, Oint. Mastirak, Bls Serri-d Forte, Bls Ferritas, Bls Cflox-tz, Bls Galactine, Bls Milkoplex, Bls Proctive, Bls Metricure I/u, Bls Melonex Plus, Bls Bovirum, Bls Ecotas, Bls Allclear / Panacure, Bls Tetra, Bls Oriprim U Bolus, Tab. Praziplus, Tab.o2 Tab., Tab. Docmycin, Tab. Eazypet, Tab Utrovet, Tab Pet Joint, Tab. Lixen Pet 300 Mg, Pwd. Neblon, Pwd Caflon, Pwd. Timpol, Pwd. Tikkil, Pwd. Lixen, Pwd. Rumen-fs, Pwd. Tetracycline, Pwd. Notix, Pwd Al Vitte-m, Pwd. Chelated Agrimin Forte, Pwd. Mammidium, Pwd. Negasunt, Pwd. Ors, Pwd. Amprolium 20%, I/ Mam Pendistrine Sh, I/ Mammary Mamal Az, I/ Mammary Mammitel, I/ Mammary Uddercef, I/ U Lexin, I/ U Enrogil 10 %, Shampoo Petben, Shampoo Softplus, Eardrop Pomisol, Eardrop Atropin Sulphate, Eyedrop Tobramycin, Spray Loraxane, Spray Pop In, Spray D Mag, Poron Fluethrin 1% Solu, Spray. Fixotic, Spray.charmil, Spray Povid Fr, Spray Wisprec, Spray Healant, Suspension Melonax
Ownership :
Sector :
Tender Values
Value :
Doc. Cost :
Important Dates
Due date :
07 Mar, 2025
Open date :
10 Mar, 2025
Publish date :
21 Feb, 2025
Location :
Silvassa - Dadra And Nagar Haveli ( IN )
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