Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Fitness Equipment - Treadmill, Elliptical Cross Trainer, Recumbent Bike, Pec Fly / Rear Delt, Lat Pull Down With Rowing Combo, Wrist Curl, Leg Curl / Extension Combo, Multi Functional Station, 45 Leg Press, Smith Machine - Counter Balanced, Super Bench, Deluxe Super Bench, Dumbbell Rack Three Tier, Solid Rubberized Dumbbells, Rubberised Plates, Olympic Bars, Olympic Ez Bars, Tricep Rope, Gym Belt - Large, Gym Belt Medium, Gym Belt - Smal, Kettle Bells, Foam Rolle, Aerobic Step Board, Rubberized Flooring Mat (roll Form), Stabilizer, Room Size (area)