Description :
Tenders for Running Contract For Manufacturing & Supply Of 1 In 12 Bg 60 Kg Weldable Cms Crossi Ng On Psc Sleepers In Accordance With Rdso Drg. No. T-6412 Alt.3 Or Latest With Reference Date As Te Nder Closing Date, Conforming To Irs Specification T-12/2009 (reprinted Oct, 2021) & T-29 (revised 2 023) Or Latest With Reference Date As Tender Closing Date. Including Supply Of 6 Mm Thick Nylon Cord Reinforced Grooved Rubber Sole Plates, Excluding Standard Fish Plates, Fish Bolts & Nuts, Ercs, Insul Ating Liner Etc. Quantity Of 6 Mm Thick Nylon Cord Reinforced Grooved Rubber Sole Plates To Be Supp Lied Per Set Are As Under : (1) Drg. No. 7014 Qty=1 Nos. (2) Drg. No. 7015 Qty=1 Nos. (3) Drg. No. 70 16 Qty=1 Nos. (4) Drg. No. 7017 Qty=1 Nos. (5) Drg. No. 7018 Qty=1 Nos. (6) Drg. No. 7019 Qty=1 N Os. (7) Drg. No. 7020 Qty=1 Nos. (8) Drg. No. 7021 Qty=1 Nos. (9) Drg. No. 7014/1 Qty=1 Nos. (10) Dr G. No. 7014/2 Qty=1 Nos. (11) Drg. No. 8886 Qty=10 Nos. (12) Drg. No. 8888 Qty=16 Nos. (13) Drg. N O. 8890 Qty=1 Nos. ]