Description :
Tenders for Purchase Of Veterinary Medicines (patent Drugs, Non-patent Drugs And Surgical Items) As Per Schedule - Name Of Medicine, Inj Dns (marck), Inj Ns (marck), Inj Ns (marck), Inj Rl (marck), Inj D25 (marck), Inj Intalyte, Inj Trogyl, Inj Wocktrose25%, Inj Dextrose25%, Inj Amoxirum Forte, Inj Cobactan 2.5 %, Inj Cefastan, Inj.isoflud, Inj Intacef Tazo, Inj Dicrysticine-s, Inj Berenil Rtu, Inj Triquin, Inj Taxim, Inj Pantin Iv, Inj Steclin, Inj.gentamycin, Inj Anistamine, Inj Melonex Xp, Inj Melonex Plus, Inj Belamyl, Inj Maxxtol, Inj Tonophosphan, Inj Atropine Sulphate, Inj Anthiomaline, Inj Intacal Im, Inj Sulphadimidin, Inj. Megludyne, Inj Vetalgin, Inj Artizone S, Inj Neomec, Inj. Marbomet, Inj Mbloc, Inj Conciplex, Inj Spasmovet, Inj Nemovet, Inj Lutalyse, Inj. Vetade, Inj Sodicain, Inj Xylaxin, Inj Prednisolone (msd), Inj Water For Inj., Inj Ascorbic Acid, Inj Vetalog, Inj Dexona, Inj Neuroxin M, Inj Enrodac, Inj. Rantac, Inj Emset, Inj Botropause, Inj Epidosine, Inj Mittal Vet, Inj Receptal, Inj Adrenaline, Inj P-depot, Inj Siquil, Inj Remot Vet, Inj Morcaine, Inj Lemasol-75, Inj Minijet, Liq. Vimerol, Liq. Vimerol, Liq. Exapar, Liq. Intacal Pet, Liq. Himpyrine, Liq. Furglow, Liq. Liv 52, Liq Calcimust-strong, Liq. Butox, Liq. Naash Pour On, Liq. Tyrel, Liq. Albomar, Liq. Groviplex, Liq. Groviplex, Liq Vetraceive, Liq Oflokind-oz Pet, Liq. Enrocin10% Oral Solution, Oint. Wisprec, Oint.acriline, Oint.himax, Oint.scavon, Oint. Obcodex, Oint. Kiskin, Oint. Povidine-iodine, Oint. Povidine-iodine, Oint. Mastilap, Erina- Ep Shampoo, Bls Zycloz, Bls Serakind- Plus, Bls Milkoplex, Bls Proctive, Bls Biotrim Ds, Bls Melonex Z Plus, Bls Liv 52, Bls Steclin, Bls Panacure 1500mg, Tab.panacure 150mg, Bls Furea Plus, Tab. Praziplus, Tab. Lixen Pet 300 Mg, Pwd. Hb Strong, Pwd. Bufzone, Pwd Caflon, Pwd. Tikkil, Pwd. Lixen, Pwd. Tetracycline, Pwd. Himchelet, Pwd. Trepin, Pwd. Agrimin Forte, I/ Mammary Pendistrin- Sh, I/ U Lexin, Spray Topicure, Spray Pop In, Spray Ruminfla, Roochiboost, Salt Lick Brick, Himcal Gel, Liq. Betadine, Liq. Tr. Iodine, Liq. Tr. Benzoin, Liq. Glycerin, 2 Ml Syringe With Needle, 5 Ml Syringe With Needle, 10 Ml Syringe With Needle, 20 Ml Syringe, 16 G 1.5 Needle, 18 G 1.5 Needle, 20 G 1.5 Needle, Scalp Vein Set (0.55mm)x 21gx 19mm, Scalp Vein Set (0.55mm)x 22gx 19mm, Scalp Vein Set (0.55mm) X 24gx 19mm, Surgical Gloves No. 7.0, Surgical Gloves No. 8.0, Examination Gloves, Thermometer (mercury Based), Surgical Paper Tape, Gause Roll Bandage, Absorbent Cotton Wool