Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Set Of Suspension Tube And Its Assembly Components For Hitachi Traction Motor Type H S15250a. Each Set Consists Of Seven Items, One No. Each. Detail Is Given In Specification As Per Clw's Specn. 4tms.095.003 Rev-1 Alt. '3'- (1) Suspension Tube For Msu, Drg. No. 10p.701.898 Alt.19 Qty. 01 No. As Per Clws Specn. 4tms.095.004 , Alt. 1. (2) Bearing Housing As Per Drg. No. 10q 745.381 Alt. C , Qty.-01 No. (3) End Cover (rwe) As Per Drg. No.10q-745-383 Alt. B Qty. 01 No. (4) End Cover (gwe) As Per Drg. No. 10q-745-385 Alt. C, Qty .01 No. (5) Enclosure As Per Drg. No. 10q-745-386 Alt. B Qty. 01 No. (6) Abutment Piece As Per Drg. No. 10q-745-384 Alt. B, Qty.-01 No. (7) Adjustment Washer As Per Drg. No. 10q-745-382, Alt. D Qty.-01 No. [is : 2062 Grade B. ]