Description :
Tenders for Corrigendum : Manufacture And Supply Of One Rake Set Of Fully Assembled Bogies For Vb Train Set Consist Ing Of, 1. Bogie General Arrangement For Dtc Coaches (driving End) To Drg No. Ts/dtc (889)-0-0-001, A Lt 'g', Cols # 1 & 2. Without Items-7,11 & 12 # Qty 2 Nos. 2. Bogie General Arrangement For Dtc Coaches (rear End) To Drg No.ts/dtc (889)-0-0-002, Alt 'f', Cols# 1 & 2 Without Items 7 & 10 # Qty 2 Nos. 3. Bo Gie General Arrangement For Mc Coaches To Drg No.ts/mc(890)-0-0-002, Alt 'e', Cols # 1 & 2, Without Ite M#9 & Without Traction Motor In Item 7 - Qty-16 Nos 4. Bogie General Arrangement For Tc Coaches To D Rg No.ts/tc(891)-0-0-001, Alt 'f', Cols# 1 & 2, Without Item#6 - Qty -8nos 5. Bogie General Arrangemen T For Ndtc/ec Coaches To Drg No.ts/ndtc/ec(893)-0-0-001, Alt 'f', Cols # 1 & 2,without Item-7- Qty-4 N Os. Manufacturing Of All The Bogies Shall Be Confirming To Specification Icf/md/spec-391, Issue Status-01,rev-01 With Amendment No-03---- And Surface Protection Of Wheel & Axle To Be Stri Ctly Followed As Per Icf Drawing No.aaa02142, Alt "e" [ Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery ]