Description :
Tenders for Kgbv Furniture And Kitchan Item-, Charpai/cot/bed 3'*6' (ply On Iron Frame Or Any Other Type), , Cupboard Small, , Wardrobe Big, , Desk (for Warden), , Chair (for Warden), , The Clock, , Library Rack, , Fire Extinguishers, , Generator/inverter, , Kadhai Badi, , Embroidery Small, , Large Pot With Lid, , Small Pots With Lids, , Large Plate, , Spoon Big, , Service Spoon, , Small Spoon, , Glasses Of Water, , Plate Plates, , Go, , A Round Metal Pot, , Pot With Stick, , Doge, , Containers 10 Kg, , Containers 10 Kg, , Big Iron Bucket, , Bucket Iron/plastic, , Small Knife/potato Peeler,