Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Multi Meter , Hot Wire Ammeter , Voltmeter Mc , Voltmeter Mc- Multi Range , Voltmeter Mc Multi Range Type 1 , Voltmeter Centre Zero , Voltmeter Mi Multi-range , Voltmeter Mi Multi-range Type 1 , Ammeter Mi Type 1 , Ammeter Mi Type 2 , Ammeter Mi , Ammeter Mc Centre Zero , Ammeter Mc , Field Regulator , Single Phase Kwh Meter Digital , Single Phase Kwh Meter Analog , Three Phase Kw Meter , Flexible Wire 40-60 , Flexible Wire 14-40 , Copper Flexible Wire 4 Sqmm , Copper Flexible Wire 2.5 Sqmm , Copper Flexible Wire 1.5 Sqmm , Pvc Wire 22-7 , Pvc Wire Single Strain , Pvc Square Box , Pvc Casing Caping , Pvc Conduit Pipe , Pvc Casing Accessories , Switch 6 A , Switch 16 A , Two Way Switch , Mcb Sp , Mcb Dp , Tpn Mcb , Mcb Distriution Box , Socket 6 A , Socket 16 A , Indicating Light , Intermediate Switch , Lead Acid Battery , Sodium Vapour Lamp , Digital Neon Tester , Batten Holder , Pendent Holder , Pvc Switch Box , Kit Kat Fuse , Enamelled Copper Wire , Enamelled Copper Wire For Fan , Incandescent Bulb 60w , Incandescent Bulb 200w , Incandescent Bulb 100w , Led Bulb 3 W , Led Bulb 5 W , Led Bulb 7 W , Led Bulb 10 W , Cfl Bulb 13 W , Cfl Bulb 26 W , Cfl Bulb 100 W , Flurecent Tube Light 40 W , Soldering Station 36 V , Soldering Iron Station 60 W , Soldering Flux , Pcb , Transformer , Electrolytic Capacitor , Non Polar Capacitor , Rectifier Diode -glass Passivated Rectifiers , Led , Transistor , N Channel Power Mosfet , Timer Ic , E 24 Series Resistor , Electrician Knife , Multi Colour Flexible Wire , Resistors , Potentiometer Rotary , Preset , Capacitor Polarise , Capacitor Non Polarise , Ceramic Capacitor , Diode , Zenor Diode , Pn Junction Transistor , Transistor To 39 , Power Transistor , Voltage Regulator , Ic , Pcb Board , Light Emitting Diode , Relay , Soldering Wire , Distilled Water , Sulpheric Acid , Crystal , Ferric Chloride , Copper Clad Board , Thinner , Isoprophy Alcohol , Drill Bit , Plastic Spacer , Screw , Switch 1 Pole 7 Way , Switch 1 Pole 8 Way , Sliding Switch 6 Pole 3 Way , Push Button Switch , Toggle Switch , Spdt Switch , Smps , Processor , Motherboard , Hard Disk , Ram , Internal Dvd Writer , Cabinet Cpu , Battery 12v , Battery 6v , Led Tv , Smart Mobile Phone , Keypad Phone , Stabilizer , Regulated Power Supply