Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Tissue Culture Plates - Tissue Culture Plate And Cover , Olive Oil , Naoh Pellets 500g , Tween 20 1kg , Calcoflour White Stain , Pas Stain , Gms Stain Kit , Lpcb , India Ink , Potassium Hydroxide 500 Gms , Saboured Dextrose , Potato Dextrose Agar 500gm , Sda With Antibiotic , Corn Meal Agar , Czapek Dox Agar , Chrome Candida , Rpmi Broth , Rpmi Agar , Mops Buffer , Disc Caspofungin 5ug , Disc Fluconazole 25ug , Disc Micafungin 10ug , Disc Posaconazole 5ug , Disc Voriconazole 1ug , Disc Itracanazole , Disc Griseofulvin , Disc Terbinafin , Fluconazole Estrip , Voriconazole Estrip , Itracanazole Estrip , Grisefulvin Estrip , Terbinafin Estrip , Itracanazole Powder , Griseofulvin Powder , Terbinafin Powder , Fluconazole Powder , Voriconazole Powder , Serum Galactomannan Kit , Aspergilles Ige Elisa Kit , Serum Beta D Glucan , Cryptococcus Latex Agglutination Test Kit , Pcr Master Mix , Ethidium Bromide , Taq Polymerase , 100bp Dna Ladder , 50 Bp Dna Ladder , Nuclease Free Water Moleculer Biology Grade 500 Ml , Sterilefilter Tips 10 Ul 96 No , Filter Tips 20 Ul , Filter Tips 100 Ul , Filter Tips 200 Ul , Filter Tips 1000 Ul , Cryobox 96 Wells , Microcentrifuge Tubes Conical 1.5 Ml , Microcentrifuge Tubes Conical 2 Ml , Pcr Tubes Point 2ml , Pcr Strips With Caps Point 2ml , Pcr Plates Optical 96 Wells , Low Eeo Agarose 500g , Molecular Grade , Molecular Grade Ethanol 500 Ml , Chloroform 500ml , Isoamyl Alcohol 500 Ml , Proteinase K 20mg Ml 1ml Vial , Plate Sealer 100pcs Pack , 6x Loading Dye , Te Buffer , Lint Free Tissue 250 To 300 Pcs Box , Rnase Dnase Zap 500 Ml , Sodium Acetate 500g Pack , Edta Conc Point 5m 100ml Pack , Pbs 10 500ml , Minicooler For Pcr Tubes , Minicooler For Transport , Eppendorf Tube Stand 1 Half To 2ml , Pcr Tube Point 2ml Stand