Description :
Tenders for Purchase Of Dishes For Government Schools - Laying And Jointing Pvc Pipe. Heading, Cooker - 25l, Cooking Vessel Lid - 50kg, Cooking Vessel Lid - 15kg, Cooking Vessel Lid -10kg, Cooking Vessel Lid - 5kg, Cooked Rice Strainer With Handle And Stand -15kg Aluminium, Plastic Holed Vessel Plastic Kutta - Plastic, Steel Bucket No 9 - Steel, Steel Bucket No 8 - Steel, Gas Stove - 10x10 Size, Aluminium Kayil - Large Size, Curry Serving Spoon - Stainless Steel, Cooked Rice Serving Spoon - Rice Cutter Steel, Tea Coffee Urn Hot And Cold Pot - 5ltr, Steel Jug -steel, Stainless Steel Serving Tray - 10x4, Basin Bowl Steel - Large Size 3.8 Ltr, Steel Tope With Lid - Steel, Non Stick Kadai - 50cm Diameter, Aluminium Uruli - 70cm Diameter, Steel Andavu - 8ltr, Steel Plate -steel, Steel Glass -steel