Description :
Tenders for Purchase Of Machaniry And Equipments For Value Addition Of Minor Forest Produce (mfp) Under Pmvdvk-north Dang Forest Division - Honey Processor Machine, Tool Kit Of Wild Honey Harvesting For Honey Collectors, Automatic Cashew Nut Cutting Machine, Cashew Boiler, Cashew Nut Processing Machine, Oil Extraction Machine, Dal Mill Machine, Grinding Pulverize Machine, Multipurpose Pulp Making Machine, Millets Dehulling Machine, Rice Mill Machine, Grinder Machine, Dryer Machine, Vacum Sealing Machine, Mini Oil Maker Machine, Hand Operated Atta Chakki With Collection Tray, Tamarind Fruit Huller And De Seeder Machine, Amla Shreddding Machine, Decorticator Machine For Mahuwa Seed , Coding Machine, Sealing Machine For Shrink Plastic, Samll Weighting Machine, Weighing Scales (big), Plastic Carate, Storage Drums, Tarpaulin, Packaging Material, Bottles ( Glass) 250/500 Gram, Stock Pouch( Nos)