Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Chemicals And Labitems - Glucose, 10x44 Ml , Urea, R1,5x44ml R2, 5x11ml , Creatineenzymatic, R1,5x44ml R2,5x11ml , T.bilirubin, R1,6x44mlr2,6x12point3ml , D.bilirubin,r1,6x44ml, R2,6x12point3ml, Alp,r1,2x44ml , Ldl 2x30ml 2x10ml , Hdl 3x30ml,4x40ml , Hba1c With Cal, 2x15ml, 2x5ml, 5x0point5ml,2x44ml , Sgpt,r1,4x35ml, R2,4,18point1ml , Sgot,4x35,4x18point1ml , Uric Acid 5x44ml,5x11ml , Crp1x40,1x10ml , Aso 1x22, 1point5x5ml , Sample Cuvette ,erba Wash Solution System Pack 10slash100 Ml , Erbanorm,4x5ml , Erba Path, 4x5ml , Multical,4x3ml , Erbalysis H360, 1 L , Erba H360 Diluent, 20 L , Erba H360 Qc ,vacutainer Needle, 22 G , Vacutainer Needle Holder , Labmarker , Pop 7 Polymer,cat No 4393708 , 50x Tae Buffer500ml , Promega Go Tag Green Master Mix 100 Reactions , Agarose,50 G , Cryo Markers Permanent Dry Safe Blue ,cryo Markers Permanent Dry Safeblack , Labellling Tape 3slash 4 Yellow , Labelling Tape 3 Slash 4 White , 10ul Filtertips, 5perpack , Phosphate Buffer Saline , Acetonitrile Acnfor Hplc And Uv Spectroscopy, Cas 75 05 8 ,2point5ltr ,potassium Dihyrodrgen Phosphate, Cas 7778 77 0,500gm ,diethylcarbamazine 100mg, Cas 1642 54 2 , Bromocresolgreen 100ml , Ivernectin 1gm, Cas 70288 86 7 , Albendazole200mg,cas 54965 21 8 , Phenomenex C8 Column,150x4point6mm, 5ul , Whatman Gd Slash X Sterile0point45um Pvdf Filter Media 25mm , Big Dye Terminatorv3point 1 Cylce Sequencing Kit, 24 Rxns , Nucleospin Gel Andpcr Clean Up Kit, 50 Preps , Nucleospin Seq Columns,50preps