Description :
Tenders for Construction Of 100 Bedded Esi Hospital Building And 32 Nos Residential Quarters (ty-iv Spl - 2 Nos., Ty-iv- 6 Nos ., Ty-ii -16 Nos , Ty-iii - 8 Nos.) Including Development And Bulk Services, Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installations, Internal Roads, Storm Water Drains, Ug Sump,stp-90 Kld, Compound Wall Etc. And Iei & Fans , Street Lighting, Pump Sets, Substaion, Dg Set, 20 Passenger Cum Stretcher Lifts & 13 Passengers Mrl Lifts For Quarters, Fire Fighting System, Lan System With Switches ,ups System, Solar Water Heating System, Ip Based Pbx System , Centralized Ac System And Building Management System For Esic At Rajamahendravaram, A.p. Sh : Providing Precast Cover For Shafts , Sealing Windows Of Sterile Corridor And Other Miscellaneous Works.