Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Materials For Const Cc Road From Akbar Honawad Home To Laxmi Temple Work Site In Nagarmunnoli Village Nagarmunnoli Gp - Cobble Stones Of 75mm Thick Nag4, Plasticizer / Super Plasticizer 2j, Polythene Sheet 125 Mm Micron 2j, Broken Granite Metal 10 Mm 2j, Broken Granite Metal 20 Mm 2j, Broken Stone Aggregate 40 Mm Size 2j, Coarse Sand (zone Iii) 2j, Portland Cement 2j, Grit / Stone Dust 2j, Fine Aggregate/crushed Sand 2.36 Mm To 75 Micron 2j, Fine Aggregates 10mm 2j, Coarse Aggreages 12 Mm 2j, Granite Metal 20 Mm 2j, Granite Metal 40 Mm 2j