Description :
Tenders for Auction Sale Of Malik 3-i\va Jwala-3 Bench Spot Welder,m.e.i Annual Rate Contract Welding Transformer,acme Spot Welder,s & B 10 Ton Power Press,godrej 10 Ton Power PressModel-gei-10-i-684,raskin 22-ib (sm-6) Press,godrej 16 Ton Eccentric Power Press Gp-3/16/si,"praga" Jones & Shipman Surface Grinding Machine, 540p,turner Hepvydutygnder,taylor & Challen 562-1569Geared Power Press,press Machine,sweeney & Blocl?sidge No.3 Hand Press,rasl?in 22 Ton Power Press,raskin 22 Ton Power Press,s & B 30 Ton Power Pre5s,godrej 40 Ton Power Press,godrej 10 Ton Power Press,orbital Spin Rivetting Machine Model-012,godrej 10 Ton Power Press,british Clearing Press Brake,hmt M-2h Horizontal Milling Machine,hmt M-2u Milling M/c,hmt Horizontal Milling MachineModel-fn-2h,hme 55 Ton Ungeared Power Press,universal Punching Cpopping Shearing Machine (amc),rushworth 6? X 1/4? Guillotine Shearing Machine,nme 40 Ton Ungeared Power Press,rushworth Bar & Angle Straightening M/c,bronx Sheet Levelling Machine,abi?uranus Perforating Punch Press, Model: Uranus 250 T,warl?efield 3? Power Guillotine Machine,glue Dispenser Fuji Gl- 541e With Preloaded Software,hi- Speed Chip Placer Fuji Cp-642,fine Pitch Placer Fuji Ip Iii Ftp 5000,micriflo-ii Dven Contrdlled Atrr Osphere Solder ReflowSystem,aoi, Esv 304s2l,excellon Moving Column Drilling M/c With 3axis Cnc & Automatic Tool,pluritec Ltalia( Drilling Machine),s&b 30ton Power Press