Description :
Tenders for Bid To RAs Supply Of Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is 11037 (q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Electrical Sockets - Is 1293 (q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Electrical Switch Socket Combination As Per Is 3854 And Is 1293 (q3) , Fixed Capacitors (fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (q3) , Electrical Plugs (v2) Isi Marked To Is 1293 (q2) , Non - Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches As Per Is 3854 (q3) , Elecric Bells And Accessories As Per Is 2268 (q3) , Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches As Per Is 3854 (q3) , Piano Type Modular Domestic Electrical Sockets - Is 1293 (q3)