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Tender for Prayogshala Samagri, Janch Kit Ect-, For Lab -, , A.s.l.o. Kit 1x100 (beacon), , Acetic Acid 500 Ml, , Alkyne Phosph. Erba 6x6 Ml, , Amylase Test Kit Erba 6x6, , Auto Analyzer Paper Roll Mars Msy, , Auto Pippetes Tips (tarson) 1000 Ul, , Blood Sugger Kit 2x200 Ml Four, , Blood Urea Kit 5x20 Ml Erba, , Blue Tipes 500 Pcs Tarson, , Yellow Tipes 1000 Pcs Tarson, , C.r.p. Kit (quantitative) 50 Ml Herb, , C.r.p. Kit (100 Test Beacon, , Capilary Tube(isi Marked), , Stop Watch, , Abx Cbc Cleaner 1 Itr Horiba, , Abx Cbc Diluent (20 Ltr), , Horiba Co., , Abx Cbc Lyse (1 Ltr), , Horiba Co., , Cbc Diluent 20 Itr, , Mars Medical Systems Smart, , Cell 80pro, , Cbc Lise 500 Ml, , Mars Medical Systems Smart, , Cell 80pro, , Cbc Proclen 100 Ml Mars Medical Systems Smart, , Cell 80pro, , Cbc Special Cleaner 100 Ml Mars Medical Systems, , Smart Cell 80pro, , Cbc Detergernt Solution 10 Ltr Mars Medical Systems, , Smart Cell 80pro, , Cbc Printer Paper Horiba, , Cbc Probe Cleaner (1 Itr), , Cbc Mono Clair (500 Ml), , Cbc Controll, , Horiba Co., , Centrifuge Tube (isi Marked), , Chamber Cover Slip, , Cholstol Kit 5x20 Ml Erba, , Ck Nac 25 Ml Beacon, , Ckmb 25 Ml Beacon, , Ci+, , Coombes Test (direct), , Coombes Test (indirect), , Hiv Rapid Card Acon Per Test, , Cube Calorimeter, , Chikengunia Elisa Jemitra 96 ??test, , Chikengunia Rapid Jemitra Per Test, , Dengue Kit(elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm (other) 96 Test, , Dengue Kit(elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm (j.mitra) 96 Test, , Dengue Kit(elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm(s.d.) 96 Test, , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (other) Per Test, , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (j.mitra) Per Test, , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (s.d.) Per Test, , Disttil Water (5 Ltr. Tin), , Dlc Counter, , Dropper, , E.d.t.a. Powder 250gr, , Plane Vial Vaccutainor Prrless 1x100, , E.s.r. Pipette's Prrless, , Electolyte Kit Chlorine, , Erba Cell Wash For Biochem., , Esr Stand, , Esr Tube Glass, , Tissue Paper Role, , Filter Paper/blooting Paper, , Fuchet Regent For Bile Pigment 125 Ml, , Glass Pfncil (marking), , Gluco Strips Cold Free Sd Per Strip, , Glucometer Per Pc, , Glucometer Strip (on Call Plus) Per Strip, , Jsb Ist & Lind 125 Ml, , K+, Lactin "a" Kit (rapid), , Ldh Test Kit 25 Ml Beacon, , Lenset 1x100, , Lipidprofile, , Liqucilince(e), , Lisman's Stain 250ml/500ml, , M.t. Vail 10 Tu 5 Ml, , Malaria Fild Stain A 125 Ml, , Malaria Field Stain B 125 Ml, , Slide Box (100 Slide) Blue Star, , Slide Staning Stand Per Pc, , Beakar 250-350ml (slide Staning) Borosil Per Pc, , Micro Clear Glass Slide (76*26*0.95) With Ground Polish Edge (isi Marked) 1x50 Blue Star, , Micro Pipette 0-50 Other, , Micro Pipette 0-50 Tarson, , Micro Pipette 0-100 Other, , Micro Pipette 0-100 Tarson, , Micro Pipette 0-500 Other, , Micro Scopice Cober Slip Per Pc Blue Star, , Eye Piece 5x (microscope) Labomed, , Eye Piece 10x (microscope) Labomed, , Microscope Lense 10x Labomed, , Microscope Lense 40x Labomed, , Microscope Lense 100x Labomed, , Xylene (for Microscope Lence Cleaning) Labomed, , Micro Pipette 10-100 Ul Tarson, , Multistrips (for Urine) Simens, , N/10 Solution Launcher, , Na+, , Neuber's Chamber W-germany, , Nitic Acid 500ml, , P.t. Tube (isi Marked) With Cork & Sticker Per Pc, , Platelet Counting Fluid(rees Ecker) 125 Ml, , Pregnancy Kit Card, , Other, , Pregnancy Kit Card, , Acon For Pc, , Pregnancy Kit Card Perga News Per Pc., , Pregnancy Kit Card, , Labs Via Pc, , Prothrombin Testkit Tulip 5 Ml, , R.a. Factor 1x100 Beacon, , Rbc Pipette W-germany, , Rh View Box, , S. Calcium 100 Ml Erba, , S.g.o.t. (for Semiautoanalizer) Other 5x20 Ml, , S.g.o.t. (for Semiautoanalizer) Erba. Co. 5x20 Ml, , S.g.p.t. (for Semiautoanalizer), , Other 5x20 Ml, , S.g.p.t. (for Semiautoanalizer), , Erba. Co. 5x20 Ml, , Seman Analysis Sierm Count 125 Ml, , Albumin Serum 200 Ml Erba, , Bilirubin Serum 4x60 Ml Erba, , Serum Cretinine Kit 4x60 Ml Erba, , Serum Hdl 40 Ml Erba, , Ldl Serum 40 Ml Erba, , Protein Serum 200 Ml Erba, , Serum Protine 200 in Karauli - Rajasthan

Tender Details
Reference # :
Description :
Tenders for Prayogshala Samagri, Janch Kit Ect-, For Lab -, , A.s.l.o. Kit 1x100 (beacon), , Acetic Acid 500 Ml, , Alkyne Phosph. Erba 6x6 Ml, , Amylase Test Kit Erba 6x6, , Auto Analyzer Paper Roll Mars Msy, , Auto Pippetes Tips (tarson) 1000 Ul, , Blood Sugger Kit 2x200 Ml Four, , Blood Urea Kit 5x20 Ml Erba, , Blue Tipes 500 Pcs Tarson, , Yellow Tipes 1000 Pcs Tarson, , C.r.p. Kit (quantitative) 50 Ml Herb, , C.r.p. Kit (100 Test Beacon, , Capilary Tube(isi Marked), , Stop Watch, , Abx Cbc Cleaner 1 Itr Horiba, , Abx Cbc Diluent (20 Ltr), , Horiba Co., , Abx Cbc Lyse (1 Ltr), , Horiba Co., , Cbc Diluent 20 Itr, , Mars Medical Systems Smart, , Cell 80pro, , Cbc Lise 500 Ml, , Mars Medical Systems Smart, , Cell 80pro, , Cbc Proclen 100 Ml Mars Medical Systems Smart, , Cell 80pro, , Cbc Special Cleaner 100 Ml Mars Medical Systems, , Smart Cell 80pro, , Cbc Detergernt Solution 10 Ltr Mars Medical Systems, , Smart Cell 80pro, , Cbc Printer Paper Horiba, , Cbc Probe Cleaner (1 Itr), , Cbc Mono Clair (500 Ml), , Cbc Controll, , Horiba Co., , Centrifuge Tube (isi Marked), , Chamber Cover Slip, , Cholstol Kit 5x20 Ml Erba, , Ck Nac 25 Ml Beacon, , Ckmb 25 Ml Beacon, , Ci+, , Coombes Test (direct), , Coombes Test (indirect), , Hiv Rapid Card Acon Per Test, , Cube Calorimeter, , Chikengunia Elisa Jemitra 96 ??test, , Chikengunia Rapid Jemitra Per Test, , Dengue Kit(elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm (other) 96 Test, , Dengue Kit(elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm (j.mitra) 96 Test, , Dengue Kit(elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm(s.d.) 96 Test, , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (other) Per Test, , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (j.mitra) Per Test, , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (s.d.) Per Test, , Disttil Water (5 Ltr. Tin), , Dlc Counter, , Dropper, , E.d.t.a. Powder 250gr, , Plane Vial Vaccutainor Prrless 1x100, , E.s.r. Pipette's Prrless, , Electolyte Kit Chlorine, , Erba Cell Wash For Biochem., , Esr Stand, , Esr Tube Glass, , Tissue Paper Role, , Filter Paper/blooting Paper, , Fuchet Regent For Bile Pigment 125 Ml, , Glass Pfncil (marking), , Gluco Strips Cold Free Sd Per Strip, , Glucometer Per Pc, , Glucometer Strip (on Call Plus) Per Strip, , Jsb Ist & Lind 125 Ml, , K+, Lactin "a" Kit (rapid), , Ldh Test Kit 25 Ml Beacon, , Lenset 1x100, , Lipidprofile, , Liqucilince(e), , Lisman's Stain 250ml/500ml, , M.t. Vail 10 Tu 5 Ml, , Malaria Fild Stain A 125 Ml, , Malaria Field Stain B 125 Ml, , Slide Box (100 Slide) Blue Star, , Slide Staning Stand Per Pc, , Beakar 250-350ml (slide Staning) Borosil Per Pc, , Micro Clear Glass Slide (76*26*0.95) With Ground Polish Edge (isi Marked) 1x50 Blue Star, , Micro Pipette 0-50 Other, , Micro Pipette 0-50 Tarson, , Micro Pipette 0-100 Other, , Micro Pipette 0-100 Tarson, , Micro Pipette 0-500 Other, , Micro Scopice Cober Slip Per Pc Blue Star, , Eye Piece 5x (microscope) Labomed, , Eye Piece 10x (microscope) Labomed, , Microscope Lense 10x Labomed, , Microscope Lense 40x Labomed, , Microscope Lense 100x Labomed, , Xylene (for Microscope Lence Cleaning) Labomed, , Micro Pipette 10-100 Ul Tarson, , Multistrips (for Urine) Simens, , N/10 Solution Launcher, , Na+, , Neuber's Chamber W-germany, , Nitic Acid 500ml, , P.t. Tube (isi Marked) With Cork & Sticker Per Pc, , Platelet Counting Fluid(rees Ecker) 125 Ml, , Pregnancy Kit Card, , Other, , Pregnancy Kit Card, , Acon For Pc, , Pregnancy Kit Card Perga News Per Pc., , Pregnancy Kit Card, , Labs Via Pc, , Prothrombin Testkit Tulip 5 Ml, , R.a. Factor 1x100 Beacon, , Rbc Pipette W-germany, , Rh View Box, , S. Calcium 100 Ml Erba, , S.g.o.t. (for Semiautoanalizer) Other 5x20 Ml, , S.g.o.t. (for Semiautoanalizer) Erba. Co. 5x20 Ml, , S.g.p.t. (for Semiautoanalizer), , Other 5x20 Ml, , S.g.p.t. (for Semiautoanalizer), , Erba. Co. 5x20 Ml, , Seman Analysis Sierm Count 125 Ml, , Albumin Serum 200 Ml Erba, , Bilirubin Serum 4x60 Ml Erba, , Serum Cretinine Kit 4x60 Ml Erba, , Serum Hdl 40 Ml Erba, , Ldl Serum 40 Ml Erba, , Protein Serum 200 Ml Erba, , Serum Protine 200
Ownership :
Sector :
Tender Values
Value :
Doc. Cost :
Important Dates
Due date :
19 Mar, 2025
Open date :
25 Mar, 2025
Publish date :
07 Mar, 2025
Location :
Karauli - Rajasthan ( IN )
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