Description :
Tenders for Stationery And Other Items - Correcting Fluid White (with 15 Ml Dilutor) Corus , Alpine Bell Brand (per Packet) 100 Gms Bell, , Buddy (per Packet) 100 Grams Zebra, , Choti (per Packet) 100 Grams, , Plain Register (120 Pages) Lined Pink Board, , Plain Register (200 Pages) Lined Pink Board, , Short Hand Notebook, 200 Pages, , Short Hand Pencil (natraj), , Glue Vial 700 M (chorus), , Gum Vial 150 M (chorus), , Envelopes With Plastic Lining Inside (f/s) Size (pack Of 100), , Paper Size Envelopes With Plastic Lined Inside (pack Of 100), , Envelopes With Plastic Lining Inside (a/4) Size (pack Of 100), , Envelopes White (28x12) Cms (100 Packets), , Envelopes Khaki (28x12) Cms (100 Packets), , Envelopes With Plastic Lining Inside (28x12) Cms (100 Packets), , Envelopes White (16x10) Cms (100 Packets), , Envelopes White (22x10) Cms (100 Packets), , Stapler Small (keg) No. 10, , Stapler Big (kagarun) No. 24/6, , Stapler Pin Cores (small) Kangaroo No. 10 Per Packet, , Stapler Pins Cores (large) Kangaroo No.24/6 Per Packet, , Sticky Notes (flag) Colour Packets Per Pack, , Paper Cover Plastic Coated, , Paper Pad Flowers, , Cello Tape (1inch) 48 Meter Power / Wonder, , Cello Tape (1/2 Inch) 48 Meter Power/wonder, , Cello Tape 2 Inch, , Double Sided Tape (1 Inch), , Gluestick (chorus) 15mm, , Fvc Form Pl Form, Challan Form, Medical Form, Salary Bill, Ac, , R. Form, Income Tax Calculation Form (in Modern Paper, Green Paper), , Patrawal Lace 9x24 Per Dundle, , Paper Tags 8 Inch Per Bundle White Color, , Photostat Paper (a/4) Modi/j.k, , 1. 75 Gsm,, , 2. 70 Gsm,, , Photostat Paper (f/s) Modi/j.k (legal Size), , 1. 75 Gsm,, , 2. 70 Gsm,, Table Top Plastic, , Calculator (city / 500, 12 Digit), , Bill Register Pink Bond 240 Pages, , Medical Register Pink Bond 240 Pages, , Punching Machine Medium Kangaroo, , Punching Machine Big Kangaroo, , Movement Register, , Room Spray Good Quality, , Packet Of 100 Note Sheets, , Wall Clock (standared Mark), , Remote Cell Small, , Hourly Cells Are Large