Description :
Tenders for Stationery Supply Works - ???????? ??????? ?????? ????? - The Ball, Pencil, Fare Cover File (lotus Brand), Plastic/strip File, Index File, Paid File Nappies, Baste Red Color Of Khadi, Carbon, Calculator (daily) (12 Kph), File Lace (fine And Thick), Tag, Register Full Size (17g27), Stamp Pad Small (aashake Brand), Stamp Paid Bada (ashake Brand), Rubber Band, Measurement Book (100 Pages), Measurement Book (200 Pages), Agir Ment Farm, Sleep Pad Small, Sleep Pad Big, Stapler Pin Buddy (kangaroo Brand), Stapler Pin Small (kangaroo Brand), Alpine T Shape, Stapler Bada (kangaroo Brand), Stapler Small (kangaroo Brand), Vehicle Logbook May Page No. Including (paper And Print) (160 Pages), Inward Register With Page No. (paper Orient) (320 Pages), Outward Register May Page No. Including (paper Orient) (600 Pages), Birth And Death Register (160 Pages), Register Of Accrued Leave, Gpf Register, 03 Column Cash Book 300 Pages Cloth Binding, 03 Column Cash Book 600 Pages Cloth Binding, Attendance Pn Jaka (66 Names), Attendance Ms. Jaka (33 Names), Attendance Ms. Jaka (22 Names), Appearance Pn Jaka (11 Names), Ribbon 15 Meters, Ribbon 30 Meters, P.l. Farm, Marker Short, Marker Large, High Lighter, Glue Stick Buddy, Punch Machine Small, Punch Machine Buddy, Tape Roll Short, Tape Roll Chadi, Postage Stamp, Send Feedback, Side Panels, History, Flag (color), Alpine Box Magnet, Scale (steel), Whitener, Scissors (large), Kanechi (small), Favical, 08 Inch Momento (wood), 10 Inch Momento (wood), 12 Inch Momento (wooden), Pean Remover, Needle