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Tender for Requirement Of Xlpe Pvc Cables - Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x4 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond- Armd.cable 3x6 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x10 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x16 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x25 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x185 Sqmm , Fire Proof Insulated Cable 1x 120 Sq.mm , Fire Proof Insulated Cable 1x95 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 0.5sq Mm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu.con.cabl.0 .75sq Mm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 1sqmm , Pvc Ins.flame Ret.cu. Cond. Cable 1.5sqmm , Pvc Ins Fire Retrd Cu Cond.cable2.5 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 4sqmm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 6.0sqmm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable10 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable16 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable25 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable35 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable50 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable70 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable95 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.sh. Fl.cu. Cond.cable 12x1.0 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x10 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x16 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x25 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x50 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x95 Sqmm , Screened Cable 5 Core 0.5 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 5 Core 0.75 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 5 Core 1.00 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 5 Core 1.50 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 12 Core 0.50 Sq.mm , Pvc Insulcu Cond.unarmd Cable 4x4sq Mm , Pvc Insulcu Cond.unarmd Cable 4x6sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unsheath.flex.cu. Cond.3x4 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.unsheath Flex.cu.cond 3x16sqmm , Pvc.ins.unsheaht Flex.cu.cond 3x25sqmm , Pvc Ins.unsheath Flex.cu.cond 3core50mm , Pvc Ins.unsheath Flex.cu.cond 3x95sqmm in Tiruchirappalli - Tamil Nadu

Tender Details
Reference # :
Description :
Tenders for Requirement Of Xlpe Pvc Cables - Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x4 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond- Armd.cable 3x6 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x10 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x16 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x25 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins. Alu.cond. Armd.cable 3x185 Sqmm , Fire Proof Insulated Cable 1x 120 Sq.mm , Fire Proof Insulated Cable 1x95 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 0.5sq Mm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu.con.cabl.0 .75sq Mm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 1sqmm , Pvc Ins.flame Ret.cu. Cond. Cable 1.5sqmm , Pvc Ins Fire Retrd Cu Cond.cable2.5 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 4sqmm , Pvc Ins.fire.retrd.cu. Cond. Cable 6.0sqmm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable10 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable16 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable25 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable35 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable50 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable70 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unshd.flex.cu. Cond. Cable95 Sq Mm , Pvc Ins.sh. Fl.cu. Cond.cable 12x1.0 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x10 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x16 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x25 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x50 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.sh. Flex.cu. Cond. Cable 4x95 Sqmm , Screened Cable 5 Core 0.5 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 5 Core 0.75 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 5 Core 1.00 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 5 Core 1.50 Sq.mm , Screened Cable 12 Core 0.50 Sq.mm , Pvc Insulcu Cond.unarmd Cable 4x4sq Mm , Pvc Insulcu Cond.unarmd Cable 4x6sq Mm , Pvc Ins.unsheath.flex.cu. Cond.3x4 Sqmm , Pvc Ins.unsheath Flex.cu.cond 3x16sqmm , Pvc.ins.unsheaht Flex.cu.cond 3x25sqmm , Pvc Ins.unsheath Flex.cu.cond 3core50mm , Pvc Ins.unsheath Flex.cu.cond 3x95sqmm
Ownership :
Sector :
Tender Values
Value :
Doc. Cost :
Important Dates
Due date :
29 Mar, 2025
Open date :
29 Mar, 2025
Publish date :
18 Mar, 2025
Location :
Tiruchirappalli - Tamil Nadu ( IN )
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