Description :
Tenders for Ent Dept. Equipment And Item Purchase-, Otoscope - Led Chargeable, , Sterilizer (rectangular), , Toung Depressor Adult, , Toung Depressor Peadia., , Nasal Speculum Adult, , Nasal Speculum Peadia., , Crocodile Forceps (small), , Tileys Forceps, , Mosquito Forceps - Straight, , Mosquito Forceps - Curved, , Scalpel Handle, , Kidney Tray, , Endoscope O' Degree, , Endoscope 70' Degree, , Endoscope Unit With Led Light, , Needle Holder (small), , Instrument Trolly, , Torch (small), , Weight Machine, , Ent Head Light, , Forceps Plain Small, , Forceps Tooth Small, , Scissors Small, , Punch Biopsy Forceps, , Aural Toilet Syringe, , Mug 500 Ml (plastic), , Eustachian Tube Catheter, , Jobson Horne Probe, , Hartmann Forceps, , Indirect Laryngoscope, , Aural Toilet Syringe (metallic), , Suction Machine,