Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Boq Boq - Olympic Barbet Rod 5 , Olympic Barbell Rod 6 Ft , Olympic Barbell Rod 7 , Dumbells Rubber Plates 1 Kg , Dumbelis Rubber Plates 2 Kg , Dumbells Rubber Mates 5kg , Dumbells Rubber Plates 10kg , Multipurpose Bench , Dumbell Rack 8ft 2 T , Weighing Machine , Old Truck Tyres , Hammer 5kg , Hammer 7kg , Battle Rope 50m , Climbing Rape 11m. , Crash Matt 183 Mts 122 Mts 46 Cm , Dumbell Farm Coated With Straps 1 Kg, Dumbell Farm Coated With Straps 2 Kg , Punching Bag Oval Shape , Dumbell End Speed Balls , Speed Balls With Board And Swielt , Boxing Dummies , Boxing Wall Pads , Hurdelt , Uppernut Pad , Double And Leather Speed Grill , Body Boxing Stomach Guard Belly Pad , Lippercut Boxing Bag , Body Mess Adjustable Boxing Taget Pad Bigeast Size Standing , Gymnastic Bar Sat , Top Pro Handle Attachment For Back , Triceps Ropes Attachment , Biceps Staright Bar Attachment , Straight Bar Attachment, Barbell Pad Suat Cushion , Gyn Weight Lifting Belt , Deadlift Platform , Laver Gym Belt , Pro Battle Rope 60 Ft , Squat Rack , Foam Rolle , Skipping Rope , Abs Roll , Resistance Band