Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Accuracy Class- 0.5s, Dimensions - 96mm X 96mm X 65mm, Suitable For Cut Out Size 92x92 Mm, 3phase, 4 Wire, 240 V (l-n) , 50 Hz, Bi-sdirectional Mfm To Measure Kwh,kvarh,pf, Line Andphase Voltage, Md, Cumulative Md, Frequency, Power Factor And Averagepower Factor, Active Power, Total Active Power, Reactive Power, Total Reactive Power, Apparentpower, Total Apparent Power , Active Total Import/export Energy, Reactive Import (q1+q2)/export(q3+q4) Energy, Apparent Import/ Export Energy, Phase Angle, Power On/off Hours, Load On/offhours, Feeder Interruptions Count (when Aux Is Also Off), Thd Voltage, Current And Power , Rpm Withfreq And Vunb And Iunb, Modbus On Rs 485, Ct/vt Configurable In Fieldthrough Key Pad, Intelligent Panel Meter