Description :
Tenders for Purchase Of 5ml Micro Tahe Rack , 8 C Mini Cooler (blood Collection Tube , Oc Mini Coolm (tuono Conductive Rack) (norpk) , C Mini Coo15ml , 1% Dahlodrett (dtt)-10 , In Duhinthrenol (dtt)-sg , 1.5m Float Rack-places , 1 C Cool (capacity 1 Or 1.3) , Uni Syringe With Naalle , 10ml Syringe With Noodle (22x1 M) , 15ml Centrifuge Tabe (500 Nos/pk) Sterile , 15nt Centrifuge Tube Amber Conical Bonom , 180 Needle , Isphosphate Buffered Saline Cad Mg Five (500ml) , Is Tris Edta-p1e-70 , 2ml Screw Cap Miens Tube Cotizal Bettem , 20ml Syringe , Lur Plastic Beska , 7% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution , 50mi Centrifuge Tube (3000nos/pk) , That Cerartflage Tube (500nos/pk) Hacked Sterile , Somi Cerifuge The Large Volume Wire Racks , Silmi Varaum Filter Surage Bottle Symom (12es/pk) , Chamel Multi Pipette (variable) Lassement Iul With Digital Display , & Channel Multi Pipetta (variable) Lerument Iui With Digital Doplay , Channel Multi Pipata (variable) Irement Il With Digital Display , A7250: N-acetyl-l-cysteine (10gm) , Absolute Alchol-500ml , Absorbem Cotton Rod , Annual Repairstic Acid Glacial , Alaninum Foil , Aluminum Weighing Boat (100nes/pk) , Ainbet Narrow Mouth Bottle 30ml , Anber Narrow Mouth Botile And (72 ) , Antiseptic Urinary Towalette , Aprom (white Lab Cost) Fall (medium , Apton (white Lab Cont) Full (small) , Apmm (white Lab Cout) Half Sleeve (medium) , Apron (white Lab Coat) Half Sleeve (small) , Ast 2 Tube Carrier Set, (pack Of 3) , Ant 3 Tube Canter Set, (phuck Of 3) , Ast Carrier Back , Ast Carrier -5 The , Aute Clave Label , Autoclavable Bishanand Bugs Or Specimen 12x24 Inches 1100 , Nos Pk , Autoclavable Bioltazard Hags Or Specimen 19x24 Inchen (100 Npk , Bd Serum Vaztainer-m , Bd Serim Vac Tal- , Bd Vastainer Edta Then (cbc And Hhaic) , Bd Vacutame Trace Element Plastic (100/p) , Bd Vastaine K2 Edta Trace Element Planic (100/7) , Bd Vinstainer K2 Edta Plus Mi (100/pk) , Bd Vacutainer Safety Lock Blood Collection Sets, 210, 23034x12 (0.8x19mmx305man) (2000) , Bd Vazunaliser Safity Lock Blood Collection Sets, 230, 2301/12 (0.619mmx305mm) (500) , Benker 1000ml (20 Per Come) , Beaker 100ml (20) , Beaker 500ml (40 Per Ome) , Biohamand Waste Comteiner-5ltr , Bloning Papo Shest , Battle With Screw 1000ml , Bottle With Screw Cap 100 , Bottle With Screw 100ml , Bottle With Screw Cap 50ml , Bp Handle Long & Malim , Carti Fuchsis (zn, Seong) , Cartsil Fochoin Practical Grade , Card Board Cryo Box 36 Places For 15ml Cexifage Tabes (nos/pk) , Card Board Crye Bux 81 Places For Inilmi Vials (nos/) Card Board Cryo Box 100 Places For Imd/2ml Vials (nou/pk) , Cand Beard Cryo Box 25 Man For Ind/2mi Vials (8nos/pk) , Cedarwood Nil , Cello Chiller Box (1, 81, 121, 141, 20) (with) , Champ Autoclavable Vurishiz Sulume Pipettit (20-200m) , Chromotrope 2 , Collapsille Space Saver Nick (2 Nos/pk) , Combilok (4 Nou/pk) , Canina Emiflage Tube Rack (pack) , Conical Flask 100 Ml , Comical Flask 150 Mi , Comical Flask 250 Mi , Conical Fleek 50 Mi , Conical Flask 500 Ml , Couplin Jar Places-10 , Corsing 2mi External Threaded Palypropylese Cryogenic Vial Self Standing With Round Bottom (500/pk) , Cover Slip Restmguir-22mmx40mm , Cover Slip, Square-22mmx12mm , Cryo Apron 42" , Crye Cube Box 100 Placas (4ncs/pk) , Crye Cuhe Box 25 Places (en) , Crye Cube Box 50 Places (nou/pk) , Cryo Cute Box 81 Places (4nos Pk) , Crye Cube Box #1 Places (4nos/) , Crye Gloves (medium) , Cryo Label Nitro Tag , Cryo Laser Hables (1.20x0.50mm) , Cyo Marker , Cryopure Tubes, 2mi White, Intersal Thenad , Cryo Racks, (50 Place) , Cye Tags (1.30x0.75) , Crye Visis 1.8-2ml (100k) (cling With Extrsal Thread) , Cryo Vials 1.8-2ml (300nos/pk) (self-standing With Interma Thread , Cryogenic Baroode Label 1"x1" , Cryogenic Permanent Marker Hue , Cryo Vials 1.0ml, Sur Foot (500nos/p , Cryo Vials 1.8ml, Ste Foot, External Thread(300n/pk) , Cryo Vials 18ml, Star Foot, Internal Thread(1000nos/pk) , Cryo Vials 1.8 (star Foot, Internal Thread) (500nos/pk) , Cutarab , Dp.x. Manastast (la