Description :
Tenders for Supply Of Comp Mtceof 7tr Precisionpkg Ac , Attendiing Fault Of Conventional 7trpkg , Replacement Of Compressor , Repl Expansion Valve , Replthermostatdial Type , Replliquid Valve , Replliquid Line Drier , Replblowerfan Motor Belt , Replpedestal Bearing , Replcapacitor 6mfd , Replhpcutout Switch , Replhplp Combined Switch , Repllpcutoutswitchautoreset , Repl Hp Presssure Gauge , Repl Lp Pressure Gauge , Repl Compr Ol Relay , Repl Brass Angle Valve , Repl Brass Safety Valve Receiver Uniy , Repl Brass Suction Discharge Valve , Replofbrassliquid Line Valve , Repl Crankcase Heater , Repl 4pole Contactor 32amp , Repl 4pole Contactor 16amp , Repl 4pole Contactor 6amp , Replcontactor Coil , Replcondensor Fan Bladedouble Circuit , Replcondensor Fanblade Single Circuit , Rewinding Of Condensor Fan Motor , Supplying And Charging Refrigerant , Carryout Leak Testof Pkg Ac , Site Visit