Tender For providing power supply cable from the substation to the parijatham extension hostel block and from the parijatham extension hostel block to the parijatham hostel block at ceg campus, anna university, chennai-25
Tender For providing e.i, power supply cabling earthing, power mains and power plugs to the lab for dr. kalam computing centre third floor of administrative building at mit campus, anna university, chennai-44.
Tender For replacement of worn out street light fittings with new led street light fittings in the south zone staff quarters area at kotturpuram, anna university, chennai-25
Tender For repairing the existing toilets and providing storm water drain in the south and western side of the ramanujan computing centre building, anna university, chennai-25.
Tender For providing power supply cable arrangements to the kambar block rear side sump and power supply to the professor quarters opposite pump room in staff quarters at kotturpuram, anna university, chennai-25.