Tender For provision of 9 m high roof top 6 no. poles for mounting anteena for two sites at medical college complex bilhari trimurti nagar and hotel prince viraj jabalpur mp
Tender For replacement of afd and fa control panel and other faulty accessories i/c fire extinguishers in te building mardanaka, banda and te hamirpur (for otn equipment).
Tender For providing services of legal consultants / law firms for legal due diligence etc. of bsnl land parcel at, khageshwar road, p.o. tinsukia, tinsukia district, assam
Tender For construction of a 40m high ground based tower (gbt), including transportation of tower materials from puthenangadi gbt site, foundation construction, erection, painting, and earthing at the new site at nedumavu, kottayam ba