Tender For e tendering for selection of outsourcing agency to take over and provide present staff of 1283 drivers working on outsource basis and future requirement
Tender For online e tenders are invited for selection of law officers from outsourcing agency and to take over existing law officers and osd litigation
Tender For e tender for selection of outsourcing agency to take over and provide present staff of 1196 conductors working on outsource basis and future requirement
Tender For online e tenders are invited for selection of manpower outsourcing agency to provide services of 437 technical workers and 11 helpers approximately of punbus depots
Tender For supplying, installation, testing, erection and commissioning of effluent treatment plant of 6m3 day complete with all civil and mechanical work at prtc workshop faridkot
Tender For 3rd party insurance cover for prtc buses for a period of one year from public sector or private non life insurance companies governed registered under rules and regulations of insurance regulatory and development authority of india irda