Tender For work of providing labour on job basis for manufacture of medicines (about 3 tonnes) purchased in the year 2024-25 and related work at government ayurveda laboratory, kelwada (baran) - ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????? (?????) ??? ???? 2024-25 ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ( ???? 3 ?? ) ??? ???????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????
Tender For supply of medical and surgical- alternative source of electricity einvertors , alternative source of wateri.eplastic/cemented water tank , color coded bins for biomedical waste at each point of generation(as per bmw rules)-1 ?? (set of 4) , chart/instructions for segregation of biomedical waste , citizen charter , footstep , complaint box , screen separator (as per need of specific center) , sign board at highway and in adjoining areas of the center (as per need of specific center)