Tender For reconditioning of wornout cms crossings by robotic welding and tongue rails at different yards under the jurisdiction of den/south/wat, sr.den/central/wat, sr.den/east/wat, sr.den/north/wat and den/west/wat over waltair division.
Tender For supply of set of kit for safety valve to ftrtipl pt no. 790024201 containing 02 sub kits i.e. 790024101 & 790024103 (04 items 08 nos) as per annexure [ warranty period: 30 months afte r the date of delivery ]
Tender For proposal for providing architectural and technical consultancy for updation of master plans, review of technical feasibility report, preparation of estimate, tender schedule and good for construction drawings for up gradation of angl- angul railway station of khurda road division under amrit bharat station scheme.
Tender For supply of paint enamel synthetic exterior- post office red finishing (isc no.538), to drawing / specifi cation is:8662/2024, rdso amendment no.1 (revision - 0) for pigment content as an additional requireme nt to is:8662-2024, with additional requirements of icf/md/spec-045, issue status - 02, rev-03 dated 14.0 6.2007 and rdso amendment no.1a as an additional requirement. [ warranty period: 30 months after t he date of delivery ]
Tender For comprehensive annual maintenance contract for single line double faced at a glance display board (agdb), main data communication hub (mdch), platform data communication hub (pdch), ups 5 kva, led based coach guidance display board (cgdb) at vskp, vzm, rgda & che stations of waltair division for 02 (two) years.