Tender For empanelment for repairs and maintenance of pump motor sets and supply and installationof new pump motor set and other related items under gandhinagar municipal corporation area(unit rate base)
Tender For corrigendum : development & construction of new bituminous road and resurfacing of existing bituminous road in t.p. 9 & t.p. 29 of gandhinagar municipal corporation area
Tender For corrigendum : development of road no. 5 with footpath, cycle track, street furniture, signages, landscape, utilities and lighting and operation and maintenance under gmc area
Tender For corrigendum : providing and laying sewerage network and construction of sewage pumping stations (2 nos.)in tp-24 randheja with electro-mechanical work, rising main including operation & maintenancefor 2 years
Tender For corrigendum : providing cartridges/toner refilling service and other it equipment for rate contracting basis at gandhinagar municipal corporation, gandhinagar.