Tender For corrigendum : invitation to bidforsupply, manufacturing, shop testing, inspection, packing and forwarding, sample fitment, transportation to site, loading and unloading of filters & supervision during installation of air intake filters for 9fa gas turbineatgppcs 702 mw combined cycle power plant at village kovaya, near pipavav, tal. rajula, dist. amreligujarat, india
Tender For corrigendum : gspc pipavav power company ltd. (gppc) invites online bids from indian bidders for operation & maintenance of gppcs 2x351.43mw combined cycle power plant for a period of five (5) years at village kovaya, near pipavav, taluka rajula, district amreli, gujarat, india
Tender For gspc pipavav power company ltd. (gppc) invites online bids from indian bidders for providing security services at gppcs 702 mw combined cycle power plant at village kovaya, near pipavav, taluka rajula, district amreli, gujarat, india. for the period of (2) two years with performance review window after one year.