Tender For maintenance of hrbc bhavan six storied building with annex building (two storied), canteen building 2nd floor and three storied old building and q.c. building kolkata for the year 2024-25 ref. - hrbc-jpm(w)-kr-13-24-25-2call sl-4
Tender For repair and rehabilitation of the balance portion i.e. from end of existing concrete block towards toll plaza except deck portion on kona up ramp of vidyasagar setu by laying concrete paver block during the year 2024-25.
Tender For improving the illumination level with power saving led flood light luminairs by the replacement of existing old conventional hpsv light fittings of high mast lighting-all old luminaire of high mast lighting, kolkata site of vidyasagar setu under hrbc
Tender For improvement of riding quality of road surface from toll plaza to football gate of vidyasagar setu on kona down ramp during the year 2024-25.