Tender For supply and installation of low depth whole genome sequencing - low depth whole genome sequencing, project execution strategies samples 9 individual leaf samples of teakinstrument illumina or pacbio onso plaformapplication low-depth genome sequencing of nine teak samples and snp variant calling. sample quality control qubit and agaroselibrary preparation illumina/pacbio library preparation kitnumber of libraries 9 nos.library validation and qc ba/qubit read length 2x150 bp (pe sequencing)sequencing mode high output data generation per sample 6 gb per sample with q30>85 to 90 % per sample depth of sequencing per sample 20x per sample snp variant calling gatk4 pipeline deliverables 1. dna qc report 2. library preparation report 3. fast qc report and sequencing output4. raw data (fastq and fasta format), is to be provided through ftp protocol, having read me file with the explanation. 5. snp variant calling (raw vcf, vcf for call and final vcf) and csv report 6. a detailed report is to be submitted after completion of the experiment.