Tender For strengthening of y junction by m.s jacketting of 1500mm dia and 1600mm dia s.s grid adjacent to clear water pumping station of 25 mgd wtp of grww.
Tender For repairing and renovation of street lighting acessories at shamsulhudda road, dr. biresh guha street , broad street , bright street in war no-65,br-vii
Tender For repairing and replacement of street lighting system with poles, cables, fittings and other electrical works at brabourne rd and other places in ward no.-45
Tender For dewatering and lighting arrangements at diffrent locations on taratala road to facilitate strengthning work of y junction of 1500mm dia ss and 1600mm dia ss grid at the eastern side of 25mgd wtp of grww on santoshpur road.
Tender For supply, delivry, fitting-fixing of new spare parts in place of damaged and worn out parts of 750mm dia actuator operated non-rising type delivery sluice valve of pump unit no. 2 with allied works at cwps-ii, grww.
Tender For installation of two decorative lights at layelka immersion ghat and one decorative light at the backside of trikone park, regent estate within ward no-96 br-x.
Tender For miscellaneous repairing/ replacement of street lighting system at rash behari -e.m. bypass connectot (bakultola bus stop to kasba post office crossing) in ward no-67, under br-vii