Tender For providing consultancy services for preparation of techno-economic feasibility study, dpr, bidding documents for epc and technical cum financial consultancy for redevelopment of berth no. 9 at mormugao port on epc mode
Tender For corrigendum : providing of hiring of special purpose mining or earth moving machines (monthly basis) - as per buyer's requirement; hiring of hydraulic mobile crane of capacity at least 14 ton or above equipped with hook and man lift basket 3kv insulated and 200 kgs swl; along ..
Tender For corrigendum : leasing of approximately 7670 sq. m. of water area alongside berth no. 2 for berthing of small and medium leisure crafts for 05 years by following e-tender cum e-auction process
Tender For providing housekeeping services to mpa administrative office building saarasi at headland for a period of two years, year-2025-26 and 2026-27