Tender For supply of molecular resonance generator - molecular resonance generator with 05 years warranty , needles,loops,blades for coagulation and cutting functions - set , double finger switch, cut and coagulation, three pin type , nonstick bayonet shaped bipolar forceps with compatible cable , reusable patient plate , bipolar pedal , camc-6th year warranty , camc-7th year warranty , camc-8th year warranty , camc-9th year warranty , camc- 10th year warranty
Tender For corrigendum : supply of csf cell counter = csf cell counter with 01 year warranty period , 02nd year warranty cost of equipment , 03rd year warranty cost of equipment , 04th year warranty cost of equipment , 05th year warranty cost of equipment
Tender For corrigendum : supply of long term assessment rhinometer - long term assessment rhinometer with 01 year warranty , 02nd year warranty cost of equipment , 03rd year warranty cost of equipment , 04th year warranty cost of equipment , 05th year warranty cost of equipment
Tender For tender for supply of bis monitor with 05 years warranty , camc for the 6th year , camc for the 7th year , camc for the 8th year , camc for the 9th year , camc for the 10th year
Tender For construction of substation ,providing lbs,transformer connected works,terminations, cabling works and ht cabling works from existing rmu located at neruo centre substation for providing electrical power supply to the newly constructed clc building in nimhans campus bengaluru