Tender For corrigendum : for the work of fixing of 33 kv metering cubical and 33 kv ct/pt unit and laying of 33 kv cable for sanction of addition load 2400 and 5930 total 8330 kw of m/s land craft devolopers pvt ltd nh-24 mehrouli gzb under the jurisdection of eudd 9
Tender For corrigendum : for replacement and filling of damaged 33 and 11kv heat shirinkcable jointing kit at different places running contract in the jurisdiction of edd pilkhuwa under edc hapur
Tender For corrigendum : for replacement and filling of damaged 33 and 11kv heat shirinkcable jointing kit at different places running contract in the jurisdiction of edd hapur under edc hapur
Tender For corrigendum : for the supply of 11kv vaccum interupter, 33kv ct for indoor breaker and 33kv outdoor cable jointing kit for 33/kv substations under eudd-ix ghaziabad.
Tender For corrigendum : for various electricity line work and other associated works in deposit scheme running contract in the jurisdiction of edsd dhaulana of edd pilkhuwa under edc hapur