Tender For providing of custom bid for services - dismantling of existing 11kv overhead line between gc berth main gate to cusii and providing alternate lt power supply to various locations under industrial zone of haldia dock complex smpk
Tender For providing of hiring of boats - survey boat; the launch should not be more than 14 years old as on the date of opening of the techno commercial bid; with air-conditioning; 7-10 persons; as per the certification of the launch; the total installed power of the two m..
Tender For supply and plantation of saplings with maintenance of 02 (two) years along side the newly constructed wind screen from gc berth main gate to the turning of central workshop with bamboo fencing at haldia dock complex, haldia, smpk
Tender For supply, installation and commissioning of continuous ambient air quality monitoring station with meteorological system, continuous noise monitoring system and continuous water quality monitoring station with 5 years camc at haldia dock complex,haldia