Tender For providing/fixing of chain-link fencing-i including cement concrete channel for a length of 135 rft (capex) at harrs, larnoo, skuast-kashmir.
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 7.5hp solar submersile scheme,with 300mm dia machine borewell with 200mm casing tubewell 55mtr depth n submersble motor atcentre of excelence for walnut reserch centre under cretion of value-chain for walnut atkulangam kupwara,skuast-k.nabard
Tender For supply of walnut rootstocks pencil thickness , apricot rootstocks pencil thickness , bud sticks of walnut 30 cm , bud sticks of plum and apricot 30 cm , grafting polythene , aluminium foil
Tender For construction of security hut at centre of excellence for walnut research centre under creation of value-chain for walnut at kulangam kupwara, skuast-k.(nabard)
Tender For providing/fixing of chain-link fencing-ii including cement concrete channel for a length of 270 rft under rainfed development project (hadp) at harrs, larnoo, skuast-kashmir.
Tender For development of farm field by way of filling good earth at centre of excellence for agri tourism and cold water fisheries sallar (bagwani), skuast-k.(hadp)
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 160 kva distribution transformer for power supply to borewell and adm block at centre of excellence for walnut research centre under creation of value-chain for walnut at kulangam kupwara, skuast-k.(nabard)